Research - Data Storage and Protection

Research document briefly describing the need to protect data.

What's the issue?

  • Most research generates data, which commonly contains sensitive information (such as protected health information (PHI)).
  • It is up to the research groups to properly protect this data while using and storing it.

What does "properly protect" mean?

  • Storing data using Department of Surgery or UW-Madison approved methods.
  • Not using third-party applications or non-password protected methods.

Why do I need to worry about this?

  • Research grants and other legal agreements often outline specific obligations to safeguard information.
  • Employees within the Department of Surgery also need to comply with University-wide policies from Offices such as Cybersecurity and HIPAA.

What's the worst that could  happen if data is stored improperly?

  • This could inhibit publication or prevent a successful patent application.
  • UW legal teams may not be able to assist if there is a data breach involving data stored on unauthorized programs or applications.
  • UW employees who don’t comply with UW storage guidelines can face disciplinary action, up to termination.


research, data 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Steve V. in UW Surgery
UW Department of Surgery