Hiring - Vacancies - Prioritizing Vacant Positions to Fill
Evaluation of Vacancies
The purpose of this regular evaluation of vacancies is as follows:
- Assess the opportunity of the Division to fill vacant positions based on any budgetary or workload constraints.
- Assess the priority of position vacancies needed to address the highest priority, critical workloads.
- Develop a general appreciation (by DLT members) regarding the breadth of positions within the Division that perform a great diversity of work.
- Assess the opportunity to hire a cohort of positions based on the similarities of vacant positions.
- Assess the demographic trends of the workforce.
- Assess if certain types of positions have greater turnover rates and what factors contribute to that turnover.
Vacancy Tracking and Prioritization
A spreadsheet of vacancies is regularly maintained by the DLT. When a position vacancy occurs, the DLT “Sponsor” for that vacant position will update the informational spreadsheet completing the various fields. A DLT sponsor is the DLT representative that has the vacancy occurring in their supervisory chain, such as the Associate Dean responsible for supervising the Institutes or Operations groups, or the Assistant Deans in supervising the Areas.
Information to be completed for every vacancy by the Sponsoring DLT member prior to the DLT meeting when vacancies are evaluated includes:
- Institute/Operations/Geographies Group
- DLT Member (Sponsor)
- Proposed Working Title (of the position)
- Decision and Status (Approval date)
- Prioritization in Consideration of Decision (a description of the priority for DLT)
- Criteria (check if applicable for consideration) - Position provides an essential function that is needed for operations of the Division
- Criteria (check if applicable for consideration) - Vacancies in this type of position have developed a workload that we cannot cover
- Criteria (check if applicable for consideration) - Position is considered critical by key constituency/ there is a political risk either internally or externally by not filling
- Additional Criteria – Please identify any other criteria specific for this position
- Justification (a brief summary of why the vacant position should be filled)
A typical DLT meeting that includes consideration for filling vacant positions will include the following process:
- Prior to the meeting, each DLT member will have updated the Vacancy spreadsheet.
- Prior to the meeting each DLT member, will evaluate all vacancies within the Division considering what their teammates have identified as vacancies and possible priority positions to be approved for filling.
- At the meeting, each DLT sponsor will briefly highlight in oral presentation the most import priority position to be approved for filling.
- Once all members have shared their respective priorities, the Dean will facilitate decision-making identifying which position may be approved to fill.
- If a position is approved, the DLT sponsor will have the assignment to work with Human Resources to recruit and hire the approved position, reporting back to DLT on progress.
- When a vacant position is filled, the DLT sponsor should update the spreadsheet by removing the position as a vacancy
Emergency essential vacancy positions – at any time at the discretion of the Dean, if a position is deemed an emergency essential vacancy, the Dean can direct the DLT sponsor to proceed with filling a vacant position.