Bucky Backup - UnInstall the Client for MacOS

This document explains how to uninstall the Bucky Backup client for MacOS in a step by step process. The client allows you to connect to the Bucky Backup Enterprise, Lite, and Archive Services.

UnInstall Bucky Backup client (MacOS)

Uninstalling the Bucky Backup Client 

  1. Open Finder.
  2. Click on the Applications folder.
  3. Find the IBM Spectrum Protect folder and drag it to the Trash.
    • Note: If you'd like to re-install the Bucky Backup Client but keep your settings, stop here. If you want to delete your settings then please see the next section.

Removing Bucky Backup Settings

  1. Open Finder.
  2. Navigate to your “Libraryfolder, might be under the "Macintosh HD" location.
  3. Delete the following folders if they exist:
    • Library --> Logs --> tivoli
    • Library --> Preferences --> Tivoli Storage Manager
    • Library --> Application Support --> tivoli
  4. If you want to install the Bucky Backup client again, please reboot before the install.
  5. Follow this KB to install the client:

Bucky Backup (Mac) - Download, Install and Configure the Bucky Backup Client

Other steps that may need to be performed in a Terminal session:

Remove the installation directories

  1. sudo rm -rf /Applications/IBM Spectrum Protect
  2. sudo rm -rf /Library/Application Support/tivoli

Remove the following symbolic links

If these exist

  1. sudo rm /usr/bin/dsmc
  2. sudo rm /usr/bin/dsmcad
  3. sudo rm /usr/bin/dsmadmc
  4. sudo rm /usr/bin/dsmtrace
  5. sudo rm /usr/bin/dsmagent
  6. sudo rm /usr/lib/libxmlutil-6.2.0.dylib
    • Note: versions may be different, you have to change directories into /usr/lib to confirm
  7. sudo rm /usr/lib/libtsm620xerces-c1_6_0.dylib
    • Note: versions may be different, you have have to change directories into /usr/lib to confirm


Remove logs, keys, etc

  1. sudo rm -rf /Library/Logs/tivoli
  2. sudo rm -rf /Library/Preferences/Tivoli Storage Manager


Optional Step

Reinstall per KB

Bucky Backup (Mac) - Download, Install and Configure the Bucky Backup Client


bucky backup tsm mac macos x install upgrade configure config download client lite enterprise archive tivoli IBM Storage Protect setup 
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Mark K. in Bucky Backup
Bucky Backup