Bucky Backup - UnInstall the Client for MacOS
This document explains how to uninstall the Bucky Backup client for MacOS in a step by step process. The client allows you to connect to the Bucky Backup Enterprise, Lite, and Archive Services.
UnInstall Bucky Backup client (MacOS)
Uninstalling the Bucky Backup Client
- Open Finder.
- Click on the Applications folder.
- Find the IBM Spectrum Protect folder and drag it to the Trash.
- Note: If you'd like to re-install the Bucky Backup Client but keep your settings, stop here. If you want to delete your settings then please see the next section.
Removing Bucky Backup Settings
- Open Finder.
- Navigate to your “Library” folder, might be under the "Macintosh HD" location.
- Delete the following folders if they exist:
- Library --> Logs --> tivoli
- Library --> Preferences --> Tivoli Storage Manager
- Library --> Application Support --> tivoli
- If you want to install the Bucky Backup client again, please reboot before the install.
- Follow this KB to install the client:
Bucky Backup (Mac) - Download, Install and Configure the Bucky Backup Client
Other steps that may need to be performed in a Terminal session:
Remove the installation directories
- sudo rm -rf /Applications/IBM Spectrum Protect
- sudo rm -rf /Library/Application Support/tivoli
Remove the following symbolic links
If these exist
- sudo rm /usr/bin/dsmc
- sudo rm /usr/bin/dsmcad
- sudo rm /usr/bin/dsmadmc
- sudo rm /usr/bin/dsmtrace
- sudo rm /usr/bin/dsmagent
- sudo rm /usr/lib/libxmlutil-6.2.0.dylib
- Note: versions may be different, you have to change directories into /usr/lib to confirm
- sudo rm /usr/lib/libtsm620xerces-c1_6_0.dylib
- Note: versions may be different, you have have to change directories into /usr/lib to confirm
Remove logs, keys, etc
- sudo rm -rf /Library/Logs/tivoli
- sudo rm -rf /Library/Preferences/Tivoli Storage Manager
Optional Step
Reinstall per KB
Bucky Backup (Mac) - Download, Install and Configure the Bucky Backup Client