Course Search & Enroll App Accessibility and Usability Information

This document summarizes the accessibility and usability barriers identified during testing as well as how to get help.

The Course Search & Enroll App provides students with a single place to search and enroll in courses, view and select course schedules, view DARS and degree program requirements, and plan what courses they plan to take in future terms.

Get help

  • Contact the DoIT Help Desk for general assistance or to report an accessibility or usability barrier.

Additional resources

Accessibility and usability barriers 

The following information is provided to help people with disabilities know what potential barriers may exist with the Course Search & Enroll. 

Keyboard navigation barriers may cause difficulty for people with vision or motor disabilities

Keyboard navigation may be difficult because the focus style, which shows the keyboard user where the navigation has moved to, is low contrast and difficult to see sometimes, such as the “Add to Cart” button. Additionally, when searching for courses, keyboard navigation may move out of the course list, making it difficult to navigate through multiple pages of courses via keyboard. 

Screen reader barriers may cause difficulty for people with vision disabilities

  • When navigating via screen reader, some elements, such as the content of the help menu, are announced out of order. The illogical reading order might make some content difficult to reach via screen reader.

  • When reviewing course details, the menu is not announced when it is opened, which might make it difficult for screen reader users to interact with the course details menu. 

Magnification barriers may cause difficulty for people with low vision

When magnified between 300-400%, some content is blocked by the top and side navigation bars and may be difficult to see. 

Course Search & Enroll, course search, enroll, enrollment, courses, classes, registration, scheduling, accessibility, usability, screen reader 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Leah B. in IT Accessibility and Usability
DoIT Help Desk, IT Accessibility and Usability, Office of the Registrar