KB User's Guide - Stats Tab - Doc Events

The Doc events stats uses data from the Comments and events log on each document. You may use one of 58 displays of information, or you may combine reports for more detailed information.

Doc Events

The Comments and Events captures multiple and distinct forms of information over the life of a document. The Doc Events Stat allows 58 options from which to report. A much more focused report can be created by using the Display filters along with a combination of reports. This data is exportable via .CSV and downloadable into Excel, Tableau, etc.

Display Filters

  • IDs - Enter comma delimited document IDs

  • User - Enter NetID@ + domain name

  • Year - Select year from dropdown menu, defaults to current year

  • Event Type - See table below for query descriptions, defaults to All Types

  • Type ID - Enter report type/s (example: 1, 18..in the table below, a report using these two Event types would yield data)

  • Group/ Institution - Defaults to This group only or choose another Institution

  • Sort: Dropdown Menu Options: Time ASC, Time DESC (default), DocID ASC, DocID DESC, User ASC, User DESC, Type ASC, Type DESC, Limit, sChange%ASC, sChange%DESC, aChange%ASC, sChange%DESC

Events Types and Comments

The table below shows the Event ID and Event Type name on the left. They all appear in the dropdown menu of the Event type field. The column on the right shows the information yielded from corresponding event.

1 - CREATION_NEW [Doc ID] [Time/Date stamp] [DocOwner] Document created
2 - CREATION_FROM_DOC [Doc ID] [Time/Date stamp] [DocOwner] Saved as a new document from document ID XXXXX
3 - CREATION_FROM_REVISION [Doc ID] [Time/Date stamp] [DocOwner] Saved as a new document from revision YYYY: (New Document) ID: GroupID of (Revision) Document ID.
4 - CREATION_FROM_NEWS [Doc ID] [Time/Date stamp] [DocOwner] Saved as a new document from news YYYY: (New Document) ID: GroupID of (News Item) Document ID.
5 - CREATION_FROM_SUGGESTION Saved as a new document from suggestion YYYY: (New Document) ID: GroupID of (Suggestion Item)  ID.
6 - CREATION_FROM_FEEDBACK Saved as a new document from feedback YYYY: (New Document) ID: GroupID of (feedback) Document ID.
7 - CREATION_FROM_IMPORT Saved as a new document from import YYYY: (New Document) ID: GroupID of imported item
8 - CREATION_FROM_ITSM Saved as a new document from ITSM YYYY: (New Document) ID: GroupID of ITSM feedback item
9 - UPDATE_TO_ACTIVE Updated / Set to Active for [Group Space]
10 - UPDATE_TO_ACTIVE_DEFERRED Updated / Set to Active for [Group Space] from deferred activation date
11 - UPDATE_TO_INACTIVE Updated / Set to Inactive for [Group Space]
12 - UPDATE_TO_IN_REVIEW Updated / set to In Review for [Group Space]
13 - UPDATE_TO_IN_REVIEW_DOC_UP Document inactivation request [Group Space] submitted by [User/user email address] [User comment]
14 - UPDATE_TO_IN_REVIEW_DOC_DOWN Updated / set to In Review (taking document down) for [Group Space]
15 - UPDATE_TO_IN_PROGRESS Updated / set to In Progress for [Group Space]
16 - UPDATE_TO_IN_PROGRESS_DOC_UP Set to In Progress (leaving document up) for [Group Space]. 
17 -  UPDATE_TO_IN_PROGRESS_DOC_DOWN Updated / set to In Progress for [Group Space]: Document down
18 - UPDATED _TO_ARCHIVE Updated / set to Archived [Group Space]
19 - UPDATED_TO_DELETED [Document ID] Marked as Deleted.
20 - UPDATE_FIND_AND_REPLACE Find (word x) and replace with (word y).
21 - UPDATE_CANCELLED Draft update cancelled and the existing active version untouched.
22 - UPDATE_FROM_REVISION Restored from revision YYYY:DocID A:DocID B
23 - UPDATE_ATTRIBUTES Updated / Attributes
24 - UPDATE_BATCH_UPDATE Changed via Batch Update. Selected change option(s) include: X
25 - UPDATE_PURGE Updated / [Document ID] Purged
26 - REVIEW_COMMENT Set to [Status X] (for all group spaces). Comment: X
27 - REVIEW_COMMENT_AND_NOTIFICATION Set to I[Status X (leaving document up) for {KB GROUP SPACE NAME]. Comment: X
28 - REVIEW_MARK_AS_REVIEWED [Document ID] Comment: X/ Content of notification 
29 - REVIEW_EXPIRATION_EXTENDED Marked as reviewed for [Group Space]. Comment: X
30 - REVIEW_HELPFULNESS_RESET Review Helpfulness Reset: Document ID
31 -TRANSFER_GROUP_OWNERSHIP Transferred from [Group Space A] to [Group Space B] (to owner NetID).
32 - TRANSFER_USER_OWNERSHIP [Document ID] Transfer of group ownership from [Group Space A] to [Group Space B]
33 - PRIVATE_SHARE_CREATED [Document ID] Private Share created
34 - PRIVATE_SHARE_UPDATED [Document ID] Private Share updated
35 - PRIVATE_SHARE_DELETED [Document ID] Private Share deleted
36 - NOTIFICATION_REVIEW_REMINDER Review reminder sent to [First Name Last Name/ email address]
37 - NOTIFICATION_IN_REVIEW_REMINDER In Review reminder sent to [First Name Last Name/ email address]
38 - NOTIFICATION_EXPIRATION_REMINDER Expiring notification sent to [First Name Last Name/ email address]
39 - NOTIFICATION_EXPIRATION_CONFIRMED Expiration notification sent to Wanjiru Pontes wpontes@doit.wisc.edu
40 - NOTIFICATION_ACTIVATION_REQUEST Document activation request [[Group Space A] submitted by [First Name Last Name/ email address]
41 - NOTIFICATION_ACTIVATION_CONFIRMED Document activation request [Group Space B] submitted by [First Name Last Name/ email address]
42 - NOTIFICATION_ACTIVATION_REQUEST_DECLINED Activation confirmation sent to requester: [First Name Last Name]
43 - NOTIFICATION_INACTIVATION_REQUEST Document activation request [Group Space B] declined by [First Name Last Name/ email address]
44 - NOTIFICATION_INACTIVATION_CONFIRMED Document inactivation request for [Group Space A] submitted by [First Name Last Name/ email address]. Set to In Review (leaving document up) for [Group Space A].
45 - NOTIFICATION_INACTIVATION_REQUEST _DECLINED Inactivation confirmation sent to requester: [First Name Last Name]
46 - NOTIFICATION_SHARE_REQUEST Inactivation confirmation declined sent to requester: [First Name Last Name]
47 - NOTIFICATION_SHARE_ CONFIRMED Share request for this document submitted by [First Name Last Name/ email address] from [Group Space B]
48 - NOTIFICATION_SHARE_REQUEST_DECLINED Document share request from [Group Space B] approved.
49 - ATT_FOLDER_CREATED Requester (email address) notified.
50 - ATT_FILE_UPLOADED Document share request from [Group Space B] declined.
51 - ATT_FILE_RENAMED Requester (email address) notified.
52 - ATT_FILE_MOVED [DocID] Attachment folder created.
53 - ATT_FILE_DELETED [DocID] Attachment file uploaded.
54 - ATT_SUBFOLDER_CREATED Attachment [filenameA.extension] renamed to [filenameB.extension]
55 - ATT_SUBFOLDER_RENAMED Attachment [filenameA.extension] moved to [folder name B]
56 - ATT_SUBFOLDER_DELETED Attachment(s) [filenameA.extension] deleted
57 -NOTIFICATION_CHANGE_SUBSCRIPTION Attachment sub folder (/home/www/html/images/groupID/docID/document name) created
58 - NOTIFICATION_UPDATE Attachment sub folder (/home/www/html/images/groupID/docID/document name) renamed

doc events doc event type CSV 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Leah S. in KB User's Guide
KB User's Guide, UW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning