Efficient way to script R package installs
Taken from https://statsandr.com/blog/an-efficient-way-to-install-and-load-r-packages/
When working with R scripts on Community Servers, a package may not be installed on one or more servers in your local profile. In order to ensure this, you would typically have install.packages("packagename") in your R script. However, this can be rather inefficient and slow when opens up the script continually on your local machine for editing. An example below of a script installing and loading several packages.
Inefficient way to install and load R packages
# Installation of required packages install.packages("tidyverse")
# Load packages library("tidyverse") library("ggplot2") library("readxl") library("dplyr") library("tidyr") library("ggfortify") library("DT") library("reshape2") library("knitr") library("lubridate")
More efficient way
# Package names packages <- c("ggplot2", "readxl", "dplyr", "tidyr", "ggfortify", "DT", "reshape2", "knitr", "lubridate", "pwr", "psy", "car", "doBy", "imputeMissings", "RcmdrMisc", "questionr", "vcd", "multcomp", "KappaGUI", "rcompanion", "FactoMineR", "factoextra", "corrplot", "ltm", "goeveg", "corrplot", "FSA", "MASS", "scales", "nlme", "psych", "ordinal", "lmtest", "ggpubr", "dslabs", "stringr", "assist", "ggstatsplot", "forcats", "styler", "remedy", "snakecaser", "addinslist", "esquisse", "here", "summarytools", "magrittr", "tidyverse", "funModeling", "pander", "cluster", "abind")
# Install packages not yet installed installed_packages <- packages %in% rownames(installed.packages()) if (any(installed_packages == FALSE)) { install.packages(packages[!installed_packages]) } # Packages loading invisible(lapply(packages, library, character.only = TRUE))
This code for installing and loading R packages is more efficient in several ways:
- The function
accepts a vector as argument, so one line of code for each package in the past is now one line including all packages - In the second part of the code, it checks whether a package is already installed or not, and then install only the missing ones
- Regarding the packages loading (the last part of the code), the
function is used to call thelibrary()
function on all packages at once, which makes the code more condense. - The output when loading a package is rarely useful. The
function removes this output.
Most efficient way
The function p_load()
from {pacman}
checks to see if a package is installed, if not it attempts to install the package and then loads it. It can also be applied to several packages at once, all this in a very condensed way:
pacman::p_load(ggplot2, tidyr, dplyr)
Find more about this package on CRAN.
Like {pacman}
, the shelf()
function from the {librarian}
package automatically installs, updates, and loads R packages that are not yet installed in a single function. The function accepts packages from CRAN, GitHub, and Bioconductor (only if Bioconductor’s Biobase
package is installed). The function also accepts multiple package entries, provided as a comma-separated list of unquoted names (so no ""
around package names).
Last but not least, the {librarian}
package allows to load packages automatically at the start of every R session (thanks to the lib_startup()
function) and search for new packages on CRAN by keywords or regular expressions (thanks to the browse_cran()
Here is an example of how to install missing packages and load them with the shelf()
# From CRAN:
librarian::shelf(ggplot2, DesiQuintans / desiderata, pander)
For CRAN packages, provide the package name as normal without ""
and for GitHub packages, provide the username and package name separated by /
(i.e., UserName/RepoName
as shown for the desiderata