Course Readiness Checklist
Checklist to ensure your course is ready for students.
Course Checklist
As we gear up for the start of a new semester, instructors need to feel confident in the readiness of their courses. The following checklist guides you through different tasks you may want to consider. Once completed, you can feel comfortable that you and your course are prepared for student instruction.
Teaching Approaches
- You provide students with a conceptual framework for the course (topics covered, supported course outcomes, and activities).
- You provide students time to reflect on content before moving to a new topic.
- You have a variety of ways for students to ask questions and get clarification on concepts.
- You have plans for opportunities in which students engage with one another.
Course Materials
- Learning materials are provided in multiple formats (print and digital).
- PowerPoint slides limit the amount of text presented on the slide.
- The font size is large enough to read, it is sans-serif, and the colors provide adequate contrast.
- Slides use diagrams, tables, and graphics to represent content when appropriate.
- You know how to upload and organize materials in your Canvas course.
- You know how to upload and caption video content in Kaltura MediaSpace and how to make it available in Canvas.
- You can set up Canvas Announcements.
- You can set up a Google Class Group list for student email.
- You can download your class roster and/or your class photo roster.
- You can talk with students about the campus masking policy.
- You can share your preferred communication method with students.
Feedback and Assessment
- Students are aware of how learning will be assessed.
- You will provide student feedback on their performance (both formative and summative).
- You have identified activities that help you intervene in students' learning challenges.
- You can use Canvas SpeedGrader to provide quick feedback to students on assignments.
- You have added your assignment rubrics to the Canvas Rubrics tool.
Technology Support
- You have reviewed the list of supported technologies.
- Students know where to get technical support for course-related technologies.
- If tools are unsupported, students know where to get help with technical problems.
Course Syllabus
You have the required elements in your course syllabus:
- course description
- course learning outcomes
- credit hours
- course designation and attributes
- instructional mode (in-person, hybrid, or online)
- instructor and teaching assistant information
- a description of how the credits are met
- regular and substantive student-instructor interactions
- See more information on Course Syllabus and download a template.
- The course syllabus is available in Canvas.
- Canvas course is published.
- Canvas module content is published.
- Unused Canvas tools are removed from course navigation.
- You have defined your grading scheme in Canvas.