CALS DDO - Faculty/Staff Policies and Procedures - Annual Professional Development Requirement for Faculty and Staff In Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racist Practices

This document describes the rationale and expectations for the college's annual diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism training requirement.

Approved by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Academic Planning Council: May 18, 2021
Revision date: May 10, 2021


As stated in the college’s job postings, the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) is committed to maintaining and growing a culture that embraces diversity, inclusion and equity, believing that these values are foundational elements of our excellence and fundamental components of a positive and enriching learning and working environment for all students, faculty and staff.

As an educational institution, CALS is committed to lifelong learning and discovery. For these reasons, the CALS Equity and Diversity Committee (EDC) recommendation to implement mandatory cultural competency training for all CALS faculty and staff[1] was very welcome. In order to make meaningful change in the college, the EDC emphasized the need for employees to understand systemic racism and to learn anti-racist practices.

This policy is intended to foster professional development to increase the college’s overall capacity to grapple with the difficult issues of diversity, equity and inclusion leading to an increasingly positive climate for all students, faculty and staff. Because our knowledge related to positive climate, equity and inclusion continues to evolve, this policy allows some flexibility. The policy’s aim is to encourage professional development tailored to the roles of our personnel and reflective of their knowledge, skills and abilities in these critical areas.

Statement of expectations:

Beginning in the 2021 calendar year, CALS will require all faculty and staff to participate annually in at least one experience that enhances their understanding of diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism. The experience(s) must be documented in their annual activity report (for faculty) or self-evaluation (for staff through the PMDP online system). It is recommended that the training documentation be accompanied by a statement of the impact of the activity on the participant and that the participant discuss it with their supervisor during the annual summary performance evaluation. A variety of seminars, training, and professional development experiences will satisfy this expectation, including WISELI training, participation in the annual DDEEA forum, CALS EDC lunch and learn seminars, offerings outside of UW (i.e., by professional societies) or training organized by departments, centers or programs for the benefit of their unit as a cohort. CALS administration will provide examples of and opportunities for training in eCALS.

Beginning in FY2023, compliance with this requirement is mandatory for consideration for CALS awards and nomination by the college for UW and external awards. Compliance is also required for pay plan and merit increases. While mandatory accountability begins in FY23, we expect personnel to begin this professional development in calendar year 2021 to be reported in calendar year 2021 summary evaluations and annual reports. In the spring of 2022, we will evaluate this new training requirement and update processes as needed.

college of agricultural and life sciences deans office deans admin agriculture faculty staff policy policies procedures professional development diversity equity inclusion anti-racist 
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Tara D. in CALS Dean's Office
CALS Dean's Office