Zoom - Using Learning Analytics in Zoom [UW-Madison]
Note: Students are unique individuals and are more complex than their data - be sure to consider them holistically. Please review UW-Madison Learning Analytics Guiding Principles before continuing in this document.
This document describes the learning analytics features in Zoom and provides links to additional resources about learning analytics.
What is Zoom?
Zoom is a cloud-based solution for video and audio conferencing, mobile collaboration, and online meetings and Webinars.
Zoom's web-based conferencing uses high-quality video and audio and is accessible on MacOS, Windows, iOS and Android mobile devices. Additionally, Zoom can be used with conventional phone lines for audio conferencing.
Zoom is integrated with Canvas, our Learning Management System.
How should I use Zoom?
Zoom is an easy-to-use web conferencing system whose integration with Canvas makes it ideal for instructional purposes.
There are a myriad of ways to use Zoom from remote guest lectures, to Office Hours, to Virtual Collaboration Spaces for students.
Zoom can be used for any instructional purpose that needs web conferencing functionality and/or capabilities.
As with all our technologies, our learning technology consultants are happy to help you find the best way to use Zoom for your instructional use case. Instructors and instructional staff can request a consultation through the DoIT Help Desk.
What learning analytics data can I access in Zoom?
Zoom has two main kinds of reports that users can access for meetings they create/host, Usage and Meeting.
Usage reports allow the creator/host to see who joined what room, when, and for how long. You can also quickly see how many participants joined any particular room/session.
Meeting reports allow you to run a report on registration (if you set up registration for one of your rooms/sessions) or on Polls (if you set up and used a poll in one of your rooms/sessions).
What are some ways I can use learning analytics data from Zoom?
While you can always use the data for simple things like taking attendance, there are more complex use cases. For example, you could set up a Zoom session for virtual group work for your course and then use the reports to determine if students are actually using those spaces.
How do I activate Zoom in my course?
Zoom is already enabled by default in the Canvas Navigation Bar, but you can only access the reports by logging into your personal Zoom account through UW-Madison's Zoom portal.