Website Support

This document details website support at Russell Labs.


  • Russell Labs faculty, staff, and students; Hub staff


Russell Labs No Longer Hosts or Supports WordPress Websites

A few years ago, we retired or moved existing websites elsewhere (DoIT or CALS Web Services).

Who to Contact For Support if You Used to Have a WordPress Website at Russell Labs

Contact CALS Web Services via this form.

How to Tell if CALS Web Services Hosts Your Existing WordPress Website

Look for a dark gray bar at the bottom of a page:

CALS Login Bar at Bottom

Alternatives for Faculty Lab Website Hosting

CALS Web Services and WiscWeb (DoIT) offer website hosting services for faculty lab websites.

Notes on CALS and WiscWeb Website Support:

  • They offer website hosting – an unfurnished house.

  • You are responsible for furnishing the house, cleaning and maintaining it (creating content, updating it, and checking for broken links).

  • They can answer questions about your website.

  • Both providers offer training resources on how to update content on your website.  The resources may include instructions and webinars.

  • Please plan ahead – both hosting providers serve wide audiences.

Department Websites

Please direct questions about department website content to:

Entomology - Ben Bradford

Forest and Wildlife Ecology - complete this form 

Plant Pathology - complete this form


  • Contact CALS Web Services for:

    • Support for an existing WordPress website they host

    • To ask about new WordPress websites

  • Contact the DoIT Help Desk for:

    • Support for an existing WordPress website WiscWeb hosts

  • Restoring old websites:

    • We cannot restore old websites created by students who once worked at Russell Labs. 

    • Check the Wayback Machine in the Internet Archive. 

      Websites do not live forever. They require ongoing maintenance to stay compliant with campus and federal laws.

      When you leave a website behind, you abandon it.  Hosting providers may remove abandoned websites.
      Top of Form

Keywordsfaculty lab website, department website, website backup, restore website, CALS Web Services   Doc ID113182
OwnerDixie L.GroupRussell Labs Computing
Created2021-08-20 10:18:24Updated2024-07-31 16:48:36
SitesRussell Labs Computing
Feedback  0   0