Managing Lab Drive User Accounts and Privileges with Manifest

This document explains how to login to Manifest, how to manage members of a lab group, and how to manage privileges for a member.


Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Forest & Wildlife lab group PIs and designees.


Manifest is a web-based application used to manage user accounts and privileges for lab IT resources such as Russell Labs VPN, Lab Storage, or printing.


Terms and Definitions
Term Definition
Group Corresponds to lab groups, e.g. Bent_Lab. 
Member Members (aka users) are assigned to groups. Members must have a NetID from UW-Madison, or get one.
Colleague Outside Your Department  A colleague who does not have a current appointment within your department.
Privileges Authorization to access specific lab IT resources.


A member must have an Active NetID at UW-Madison before you can add them to a group in Manifest.

  • People within your department will likely have an active NetID at UW-Madison.
  • Colleagues outside your department may or may not have an active NetID at UW-Madison. Read the next section to learn how to resolve the NetID issue so you can add them to your lab group.

Colleagues Outside Your Department

Colleagues outside your department fall into three groups:

Colleagues Outside Your Department
Group  Examples  How to Grant People in This Group Privileges
1.  Colleagues that currently have a NetID. Someone with a current appointment within your department

Someone at UW-Madison who has an appointment in another department

Someone at UW-Madison who has a zero-dollar appointment
The lab PI or designee can give the person access to the drive yourself via Manifest, as long as you know their NetID.

See Section 2.1 below, How to Add Members to a Lab Group.
2.  Colleagues that once had a NetID. Someone who was once an employee at UW-Madison

Someone who was once enrolled as a student at UW-Madison

Someone who once had an appointment (including a zero-dollar appointment) at UW-Madison
If the colleague once had a NetID, they can contact or the DoIT Help Desk to confirm it.

Russell IT will need at least two of the following pieces of information:
First Name, Last Name, email address, or SIS emplID. 

Once that information is confirmed, the lab PI or designee can grant them privileges via Manifest.

See Section 2.1 below, How to Add Members to a Lab Group.
3.  Colleagues that never had a NetID. Someone outside UW-Madison working at a company, a non-profit, or another university Contact so they can walk you through the process. 

Russell IT will need to verify that there is not a dormant NetID out there for the person. 

Once that's complete, the lab PI or designee can follow the instructions on this webpage -  to use the Invite feature of Manifest.  Invites send the person a NetID activation link.  When clicked, the link activates the person's new NetID and adds them to the group. 

1.0 Login to Manifest

Learn how to login to Manifest, and how the system saves your path the first time you login.

  • First-time users must accept the Terms of Use.  
  • Your lab group space may appear automatically.
  • You may only need to search for your lab group space the first time. The next time you login to Manifest, click in the Folder/group ID or path box.  A popup list will appear with your path.

Steps and Reference Information
 Step  Reference Info
 1. Go to  
 2. Navigate to your lab group space.    
     2.1  Locate the Quick Launch block in the left side of the screen:  Quick Launch Block
     2.2   Click in the Folder/group ID or path box and enter the path for your department and lab.  Format:
 deptabbreviation is ppath, fwe, or ento
  Lastname is the PI's last name, e.g. Bent, Rissman, or Guedot  

Department Example
Plant Path
Forestry and Wildlife Ecology
    2.3   Click Go.  Eventually the screen will display your lab groups space.  

2.0 Manage Members of a Lab Group

Learn how to add and remove members from a lab group, and to add colleagues outside your department.


  • The lab group must exist, and you must have admin access to it
  • You must know the name of the lab group
  • You must have the NetID’s of the members you wish to add to the group
  • You must have the email address for any University affiliates you want to add to the group
  • You must use a supported web browser (

2.1 Add Members to a Lab Group

2.1a Add People Who Currently Have a NetID (people within your department, colleagues outside your department)

If any of the NetIDs you enter in step 4 are invalid, you will not be able to click the button in step 5 until you correct the problem NetIDs.

  1. Log into Manifest and navigate to your lab group space.
  2. Click the Members tab.  A list of the current group members appears.
  3. Click Add Members.  A new pane expands to allow you to add members:
    Add Members Panel
  4. Enter all the NetIDs you wish to add separated by commas in the Add individual members box.
  5. Click + Add individuals.  The screen changes and the NetIDs appear under Members to add.
  6. Click Save.  The Add members pane closes, and the new members you added now appear in the Members pane.

2.1b Add Colleagues Outside the Department Who Once Had a NetID

Have the colleague contact or the DoIT Help Desk to confirm they once had a NetID, and what the NetID is.

Russell IT will need at least two of the following: First Name, Last Name, email address, or SIS emplID.

Once those steps are complete, the lab PI or designee can follow the steps in 2.1a.

2.1c Add Colleagues Outside the Department Who Never Had a NetID

Contact so we can walk you through the process. 

Russell IT will need to verify that there is not a dormant NetID out there for them. 

Once that's complete, the lab PI or designee can follow the instructions on this webpage -  to use the Invite feature of Manifest.  

Invites send the person a NetID activation link.  When clicked, the link activates the person's new NetID and adds them to the group. 

2.2 Remove Members from a Lab Group

Warning: there is no undo, and there is no "are you sure" question before you click Remove Selected members.  Make sure to double-check that you selected the correct members before you click the button.
  1. Log into Manifest and navigate to your lab group space.
  2. Click the Members tab.  A list of the current group members appears.
  3. Locate the members you would like to delete.  
  4. Click the checkboxes next to the member's names.
  5. Click Remove Selected Members.  The names of the members disappear from the list.

3.0 Manage Privileges for a Member

Learn how to add, change, and remove privileges for a group member.


Once you have added a member to your lab group, you need to assign privileges to control what a member can see and do within your group in Manifest.

Best Practice

Russell IT strongly recommends delegating update access to another member of your lab as a backup.

Privilege Levels

Privilege Levels
Privilege Icon
View View Icon
Update Update Icon

Privilege Levels
Level Members Privileges Invites Contacts Services
Admin  View IconUpdate Icon  View IconUpdate Icon  View IconUpdate Icon  View IconUpdate Icon  View IconUpdate Icon
Update  View IconUpdate Icon  View Icon*  View IconUpdate Icon  View IconUpdate Icon  View IconUpdate Icon
Read  View Icon      View Icon  
View        View Icon  

* This level cannot modify privileges - email Russell IT at for assistance.

Suggestion:  the PI or their delegate and their backup should have Update privilege, and everyone else in the group could have Read privilege.  

3.1 Add Privileges for a Member

  1. Log into Manifest and navigate to your lab group space.
  2. Click the Privileges tab. A list of the current group members appears, showing their privileges:
    Bucky Badger Privilege Matrix
  3. Locate the member you want to update, and click the checkboxes to add privileges.
  4. Click Update selected privilege(s).  Manifest updates the member privileges.

3.2 Change Privileges for a Member

  1. Log into Manifest and navigate to your lab group space.
  2. Click the Privileges tab.  A list of the current group members appears, showing their privileges:
    Bucky Badger Privilege Matrix
  3. Locate the member you want to update, and click the checkboxes to change their privileges.
  4. Click Update selected privilege(s).  Manifest updates the member privileges.

3.3 Remove Privileges for a Member

  1. Log into Manifest and navigate to your lab group space.
  2. Click the Privileges tab.   A list of the current group members appears, showing their privileges:
    Bucky Badger Privilege Matrix
  3. Locate the member you want to update, and click the checkboxes to remove privileges.
  4. Click Update selected privilege(s).  Manifest updates the member privileges.

Keywordslab drive, user accounts, privileges, folder privileges, group privileges, members, add members, Manifest   Doc ID113761
OwnerDixie L.GroupRussell Labs Computing
Created2021-09-20 08:23:24Updated2024-07-31 16:27:30
SitesRussell Labs Computing
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