Hiring - Recruitment - Interviews - Reimbursing Final Interview Candidates Travel Costs
Hiring Managers should follow the process outlined in this article if a final interview candidate asks about reimbursement for travel costs. The first two steps of this process must be in place PRIOR to offering any reimbursement. This process could take several days before all approvals are complete, so please budget an appropriate amount of time.
1) Hiring Manager Completes Request for Authorization to Reimburse Applicant Interview Expenses Form
- A Request for Authorization to Reimburse Applicant Interview Expenses must be completed prior to offering any reimbursement.
- IF the candidate asks, you may tell them you will look into it to see if there is money available to cover this type of expense.
- Ask them for an estimate of what they think their total expenses might be so you can complete the Authorization to Reimburse Applicant Interview Expenses form.
Business Services - Reimbursing a Non-Employee
1) Contact your Administrative Support Representative
The Hiring Manager should contact their Administrative Support person prior to making any offer of reimbursement to a candidate for travel costs to participate in a UW-Madison Division of Extension final interview.
2) Complete the Authorization to Reimburse Applicant Interview Expenses Form
- The Hiring Manager completes the Authorization to Reimburse Applicant Interview Expenses form, signs, and dates on the Department Authorization line.
- You may leave the funding string blank.
- If you have more than one candidate requesting reimbursement, a separate form must be completed for each candidate.
- There is a cap on the amount the candidate may be reimbursed.
- If approved, the candidate will be notified of that amount.
- The amount may be based on the estimate given on the Authorization to Reimburse Applicant Interview Expenses form.
3) Return the completed form to your Administrative Support Representative
- Return the completed form to your administrative support representative.
- They will then send it on to Divisional HR for review, approval and signature.
- If approved, Divisional HR will return the form to the administrative support rep.
In circumstances where the position will be 143-funded (in whole or in part), we can use the regular HR 143 non-salary budget line (143-471200-6-AAL3998). In circumstance where there is no 143 funding for the position, please use 104-471200-6.
- They will then complete step 2 - Non-Employee Profile Setup Form
- If the candidate is internal, they will be notified of the funding string to use when they submit their eTER.
2) Administrative Support Completes Non-Employee Profile Setup Form (if External Candidate)
- If the candidate is external, the administrative support representative will submit a Non-Employee Profile Setup Form to the Office of Financial Services for the candidate.
- Once this form is reviewed, approved, and signed, it will be returned to the administrative support representative.
- The purpose of this form is so the administrative support representative will then be able to complete an eTER on behalf of the external candidate for reimbursement.
3) Administrative Support Notifies the Candidate
- Once these forms are reviewed, approved, signed, and returned to the administrative support representative, they will then notify the candidate if approved (or not) for reimbursement of their travel for a final interview.
- The Hiring Manager will be copied on that notification.
- When the candidate is notified, they will receive our procedures letter advising them of how they may be reimbursed for this type of travel along with UW-Madison travel policies.
Funding String Information for HR
[Doc 141596 content is unavailable at this time.]
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