University Committee Meeting Minutes 2021-09-20

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 09/27/2021

Minutes for September 20, 2021


UC members present: Halverson, Masters, Papp, Sandgren (chair), Tejedo-Herrero, Thibeault

Others present besides those listed below: Michelle Felber, Lesley Fisher, John Horn, Matt Mayrl, Jane Richard, Jake Smith

Chair Sandgren called the meeting to order at 1:15.

The minutes of the meeting of September 13, 2021 was approved by consent.

Rob Cramer, Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, reported on two major problems in the new chemistry building: some exhaust ductwork collapsed and the elevator failed pressurization tests. New gaskets will strengthen the elevator seal while they look for a permanent solution. The ductwork problem is proving to be more difficult to solve.

UW-Madison was recognized as a green ribbon school for sustainability efforts from the U.S. Department of Education. His office, along with the Provost, will send a survey to campus to get a sense of the attitude, behaviors, and familiarity around sustainability.

Jack O’Meara reported that PROFS has registered against the bill banning critical race theory. The UW System Board of Regents is working to amend the search process for chancellors.

The University Committee discussed modality of the October 4 Faculty Senate meeting. Large meetings that need to be deliberative can be easier to hold in person, in part because there are fewer delays, non-verbal cues are more apparent, and taking votes on issues is challenging in online platforms. On the other hand, a large number of people in the same room could make some feel unsafe. Encouraged by the 99% vaccination rate among faculty, the UC voted 5-1 to tentatively hold the October meeting in person.

Shawn Green, chair of the Information Technology Committee (ITC), presented its 2019-2020 annual report. Once the pandemic hit, IT quickly helped campus operations by implementing strategies such as purchasing Zoom and implementing a web conferencing policy. ITC values a data-oriented approach to issues.

Mario Trujillo, chair of the Recreational Sports Board, presented their 2019-2021 combined annual reports and changes to the title of the committee and updated functions, reflecting the new administrative structure of what is now known as Recreation and Wellbeing (aka Rec Well). The Rec Well Advisory Board has been evolving from a committee that heard reports into one that is more involved in governing Rec Well. For instance, the committee was very involved in monitoring and advising the director of Rec Well on the budget during the pandemic.

John Mackay, chair of the Immigration and International Issues Committee (IIIC), presented the 2019-2020 annual report. Issues discussed and taken up by the committee included concerns about how visas are secured, career services for international students, education of campus around immigration issues, and undocumented students and staff under DACA. IIIC wrote a resolution to Support DACA Employees that was passed by the Faculty Senate in May 2020.

Sandgren moved to convene in closed session; it was seconded and approved at 2:34. One tenure clock extension were approved.

Sandgren moved to reconvene in open session; it was seconded and approved at 3:14.

Chair Sandgren adjourned the meeting at 3:35.

University committee 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty