Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 10-07-21
Approved 10-21-21
2:00 –
4:30 p.m. Thursday, October 7, 2021
Bascom Hall
Members Present: Donna Cole; Jenny Dahlberg; Tim
Dalby, chair; Stephanie Jones; Mallory Musolf; Leslie
Petty; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler
Guests: Heather Daniels, Lesley Fisher,
Alyson Kim, Karen Massetti-Moran, Beth Meyerand, Mark
The meeting was called to order at 2:02
The minutes of September 30 were
General Reports
Tim Dalby, ASEC Chair, provided
feedback in the meeting of the chiefs of staff, chairs, and secretaries
regarding the recent email on accommodations and differentiating between ADA
accommodations, workplace flexibilities, and remote work agreements. COVID
cases are continuing to decline, and non-compliance is also decreasing with
respect to required testing or reporting of vaccination status. Tim also shared
his draft of the ASEC activities report for members’ feedback.
Jake Smith, Secretary of the
Academic Staff, provided an update on attendance at the Resource Fair. The
listening sessions for the UW System Presidential Search were held on September
30 and October 1. There was a mix of in-person and online attendance. Jake
reported on the October 4 Faculty Senate meeting with regard
to discussions about meeting modality as well as changes to terms on
shared governance committees. The latter changes codified existing practice. Jake
also met with members of CASIs for Wisconsin Public
Media, the College of Engineering, and the Division of Extension to discuss a
variety of topics.
Liaison Reports
Jenny Dahlberg reported that the
School of Veterinary Medicine CASI elected her as co-chair for the group. They
are also working on revising their CASI website intranet page and will include
an external-facing page as well.
Leslie Petty met with the new
co-chairs of the International Division CASI and discussed her role as liaison
and upcoming activities for the CASI.
Mallory Musolf
followed up on her report at the last ASEC meeting on the UW System Reps, who
are curating an inventory of shared governance processes and practices for
academic staff across all of the campuses to highlight
areas of both similarity and difference.
Goal Planning Discussion
reviewed their individual suggestions for goals and broke into subgroups to
finalize them. The goals fall into general areas related to communication,
supporting CASIs, and diversity, equity, and
inclusion. Subgroups will meet in the next two weeks and return with their
finalized goals for the next ASEC meeting.
Guest: Beth Meyerand, Vice Provost
for Faculty and Staff Affairs
Vice Provost Meyerand discussed the
compensation plan. Last year, there was no money for discretionary compensation
funding due to the pandemic. Exact details of the pay tools will be shared more
broadly after the next Board of Regents Meeting, and more information will come
out of the Provost Office.
Regarding the curriculum committee
for diversity education and training, the Division of Diversity, Equity, and
Educational Achievement is hiring a dedicated staff member in this area to
assist with this project. Once that individual is hired, Vice Provost Meyerand
will circle back to ASEC for potential members for an ad hoc committee on
curriculum and implementation.
Vice Provost Meyerand reported on
the status of professorial titles. The School of Medicine and Public Health
CASI is having another meeting with Nancy Raymond and Jon Audhya
to discuss the status of the research professor title in the school. The Nelson
Institute has recently had its guidelines for teaching professor and research
professor approved. The professor of practice title is also now ready to be
used by schools/colleges/divisions, and individual school/college/division
guidelines are being worked on.
Vice Provost Meyerand’s
office has had interactions with emeritus faculty and staff during the pandemic
in terms of systems access, building access, and other resources. She has not
worked with those who might have access to labs via grants. She is thinking
about ways to advise emeritus employees about resources, including engagement
with the UW Retirement Association. The Retirement Issues Committee is also
looking at liaisons to shared governance committees to see potential areas of
She is also in the process of
discussing a group to look at supervisory training across campus and is looking
forward to having resources to address this.
Guests: Mark Walters, Chief Human
Resources Officer; and Karen Massetti-Moran, Director
of Total Rewards, Office of Human Resources
Mark and Karen discussed the TTC Appeals process. A tentative timeline has been
developed, with the informal resolution process identified as starting in
September. The HR reps in the schools/colleges/divisions have been maintaining
documentation for those individuals who haven’t received a resolution by
November 22. At that point, they can go to the next level, which is divisional
HR review. OHR is collecting feedback from HR Reps on areas including non-appealable
situations, gaps in the standard job description library, or missing
responsibilities from SJDs. Step 4 of the TTC Appeal process will involve an HR rep from a different
division, a member of the OHR compensation team, and a representative appointed
by shared governance. Appeals can be filed through December 31, with employees
on leaves of absence being addressed as needed.
OHR will be providing statistics on
employees who are over the maximum of the salary range as well as those below
the minimum. The salary structure will be iterative with recalibration
happening to adjust for problems. Market data will involve a blending of higher
education data and private sector data.
Regarding the compensation plan,
performance bonuses will occur from October through December, and base
increases from the Discretionary Compensation Fund will be allocated as early
as December and through March 2022. OHR is working with UW System to figure out
issues connected to implementation of the state pay plan in conjunction with this
Responding to a question about legacy
benefits, this regards employees switching employee categories and is a coding
issue related to preserving existing leave allocations and benefits. Current
university staff members don’t have to move to academic staff, or vice versa.
The Employee Choice Program will still exist, and these coding changes are
being put in place for current employees.
UW-Madison does not have a centrally
administered catastrophic leave program. This is driven at unit level for situations
where an employee may need leave and colleagues can donate their vacation leave
to that individual to cover absences. ASEC also provided feedback on better
messaging around the issue of exhausting vacation balances before being able to
use sick leave for COVID-related school/daycare closures or
· October
Assembly Prep
Chancellor had an unexpected conflict arise and informed Jake and Tim that she
would not be able to attend the ASEC meeting. The Chancellor’s Chief of Staff,
Matt Mayrl, is available to attend in her stead to offer brief updates. Jake
also discussed the process for voting with the hybrid modality for the meeting.
Motion to revise the October Assembly agenda to reflect the change in guests
(Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
· November
Assembly Meeting Agenda
ASEC reviewed an initial draft of
the November Assembly agenda. The hope is that Chancellor Blank will be able to
reschedule for the November meeting. This should be confirmed by the end of
next week.
· Topics
for Guests
update on the Deans’ working groups; plans for enrollment in relationship to
other System campuses; update on short-term study abroad programs and
reactivating engagement in this space coming out of the pandemic
OHR: more info on base increases,
progression/promotion, TTC appeals, specific stats on
remote work, how are people working remotely vs. in person (register of hotel
spaces), safety and security at different times of day
Meeting adjourned at 4:12 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Jake Smith,
Secretary of the Academic Staff