Leave Reporting

This is a walk-through of how 9 Month Faculty and Academic Staff report their absences or no leave taken.
  1. Login to MyUW.
  2. Select the Time and Absence Module.                                                                                                                                                                                                   TimeandAbsenceModule                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  3. The screen will open up the default Timesheet screen.  DO NOT ENTER ANYTHING HERE!
  4. Select No Leave Taken from the left side of the screen to report No Leave Taken (instructions for submitting leave below).                                                                                                                          NoLeaveTaken
  5. Select the radio dial for the month for No Leave Taken.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    InkedNoLeaveTaken_LI
  6. You can view all submissions under View/Edit Requests.  If you see submitted, that means that the Chair/Department Administrator still need to approve. 
  7. To Request Absence, select Request Absence from the left side.  From the drop-down, select the absence name.

Example: to submit sick leave, select Sick Leave (UNC). 

Hours must be in 4 or 8-hour increments.  

This table explains how many hours missed and how they are recorded
Hours Missed Leave Reported
0 to < 2 hours 0 hours
2 hours to 6 hours 4 hours
> 6 hours 8 hours

Enter the information only in the highlighted fields.


8.  If you need to cancel absences, select Cancel Absence from the left-hand side of the screen.

Any questions, contact the Department Admininstrator.

leave absence faculty academic staff 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Nick S. in Department of GNS
Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic