Course Search & Enroll - Finding your enrollment appointment time

Learn how to find your enrollment appointment time inside Course Search & Enroll.

Finding enrollment times

For information about when and how enrollment times are assigned to students, visit the Office of the Registrar's website.

After appointments are assigned, you can find yours on the "Course Search & Enroll" tile in MyUW:

Enrollment appointment time on Course Search & Enroll tile

The assigned appointment time will also appear in your Course Search & Enroll cart:

Enrollment time in cart within Course Search & Enroll

Your enrollment time has arrived but you're still seeing an error message?

You might still be seeing an error message from the last time you attempted to add the course to your cart or enroll. The message does not refresh/revalidate and will stay on the page until the next time you try to enroll. This means that if, according to your enrollment appointment, you should now be able to enroll, you can select the checkbox next to the course and click the "Revalidate" button, or simply disregard the error message, select the checkbox next to the course and then and click the "Enroll" button.

Revalidate your cart

Please contact the Office of the Registrar if you believe enrollment appointment times have been assigned to students and you do not have one.

add, change, course (courses, class), course search and enroll, dars (DARS), degree (degrees, degree planner), drop, gpa (GPA), hold, honors, indicators, name, permission, plan (plans, planner), record (records), requisite (prerequisite), schedule (scheduler), sis (SIS), swap, textbook (textbooks), transcript, transfer, wait (waitlist, wait list), withdraw (withdrawal) 
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Paul O. in Office of the Registrar
Office of the Registrar