Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 11-08-21
Approved 12-13-21
272 Bascom Hall
Monday, November 8,
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Scholz called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m.
Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
Blank expressed her gratitude to Assembly representatives, alternates, and ASEC
members for their service in governance. There are a number
of new leaders who have joined campus over the last several months,
including Nancy Lynch as the new Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs, LaVar
Charleston as the new Chief Diversity Officer and Deputy Vice Chancellor for
Diversity and Inclusion, Rob Cramer as the Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance
and Administration, and Heather Reese as the interim director of Wisconsin
Public Media.
Blank reported on the success of the All Ways Forward campaign. The initial
goal was $3.2 billion, and we have now raised more than $4 billion, making this
the most successful fundraising campaign in our campus’ history. Almost all of these funds were given with signed gift agreements
that designate the funds to very specific uses, and much of the money was
pledged as endowment funds for investment that will benefit academic programs
and research. UW-Madison has the largest freshman class in its history, with
8,400 students from a record 54,000 applicants. The share of students of color
in our freshman class is just over 25%, an all-time high, and the share of
underrepresented students of color is also at an all-time high of nearly 15%. The
Chancellor expressed appreciation for all those working directly with our
undergraduates to support the increased number of students. Three new buildings
have been announced this fall: the Bakke Recreation and Wellbeing Center, which
will replace the Natatorium, the Computer, Data, and Information Sciences
Building, and a new academic building for the College of Letters and Science,
which will be known as the Irving and Dorothy Levy Hall.
continue to monitor COVID numbers from the campus and the community very
closely. UW-Madison has a very high vaccination rate, with over 94% of students
and 95% of employees fully vaccinated, and these numbers continue to increase.
Dane County has extended its mask mandate to November 27, and we have an
ongoing mask mandate as well. Interim System President Thompson announced that
UW System campuses will be complying with President Biden’s Executive Order
requiring mandatory vaccinations for federal contractors. There will be more
details over the next several weeks. Booster shots are also being provided by
University Health Services.
continues to improve in educational outcomes, with our highest 4-year and
6-year graduation rates ever (73% and 89% respectively). The graduation gap for
undergraduates between white students and historically underrepresented
students has been cut in half over the last decade. We have expanded
institutional scholarship aid through Bucky’s Tuition Promise. More than half
of our undergraduates graduated with no student loan debt in 2020.
to diversity and inclusion, Chancellor Blank discussed the keynote address at
the Diversity Forum related to abuse and harassment directed at people of Asian
descent. Chancellor Blank encouraged everyone to think about how they would
respond if they witnessed this happening. To attract more underrepresented
students, the Raimey-Noland Fund has raised over $50
million for undergraduate scholarships and supporting other diversity and
inclusion programs on our campus.
continues to expand, with a 15% increase in grant awards in Fiscal Year 2021.
We are expecting new federal research dollars, and Chancellor Blank has asked
Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education Steve Ackerman to identify
areas where we can compete for substantial increases in federal funding. We are
also implementing new business systems as part of the Administrative
Transformation Project, which is intended to improve how we support expanding
our grants. We are also modernizing our facilities, including the Chemistry
Building, the School of Veterinary Medicine, the new Meat Sciences Building,
and the Babcock Dairy Plant.
the budget, all of our revenues went down during the
pandemic. Our budget deficit was $226 million as of the close of Fiscal Year
2021, which was lower than expected due to additional federal money and the
return of the state lapse, as well as budget cuts, furloughs, and the expanded freshman
class. We got a new state budget in July. We received no new general funds, and
funding for a new Engineering building was not approved. A 2% pay plan was
approved for January 2022 and January 2023, and there was funding for Levy Hall
as well. Regarding compensation, everyone should have received a letter
confirming their job title and salary range. There will also be $4 million in
Discretionary Compensation Funding for staff, and another $1 million to bring
staff below the minima for their salary range up to the minimum. There is also
a $5 million fund for one-time bonuses.
Automatic Consent
Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, October 11, 2021, were approved.
Chair Tim Dalby encouraged nominations for the Chancellor Search and Screen
Committee by November 10 at noon. This year’s Academic Staff Excellence Awards
will also be announced soon. There have been a number of
communications that ASEC, the Secretary’s Office, and OHR have been fielding
regarding TTC. OHR is working to resolve those issues. Tim reminded attendees
about the TTC appeal process and encouraged them to use it if they found
themselves in a title that doesn’t match their job. The deadline for informal
resolution is December 10, and the deadline for a formal appeal is December 31.
As much as possible, the effects of a successful appeal should be backdated to
November 7. Tim reminded representatives and alternates of their ability to add
items to the Assembly agendas in advance.
Dahlberg presented the ASPRO report. There are 14 bills currently at some stage
of consideration that impact UW in some way. This week is the last week the
Senate and Assembly meet before they break for the rest of the year. The ASPRO
Board will review these at its meeting this week, and Jenny encouraged people
to contact her with any questions about these bills.
Jankoski, co-chair of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee,
presented the annual report of the PPPC. PPPC reviewed drafts of the Remote Work Policy and changes
to ASPP Chapters 13 and 14, as well as a number of other issues. Over the next year, the committee
will continue to look at Title IX impacts to ASPP, as
well as conduct its rolling review of ASPP chapters. Annual
reports of the other Assembly Standing Committees were submitted as part of
Academic Staff Assembly Document #768.
Resolution in
Support of Academic Freedom to Teach Race and Gender Justice and Critical Race
Theory (ASA #769)
Petty, ASEC member, moved approval of Academic Staff Document #769, the
Resolution in Support of Academic Freedom to Teach Race and Gender Justice and
Critical Race Theory. Seconded. Approved.
Updates to the
Distinguished Prefix Guidelines (ASA #770)
Dahlberg, ASEC member, moved approval of Academic Staff Document #770, Updates
to the Distinguished Prefix Guidelines. Seconded. Approved.
Scholz reported that the early application deadline for incoming freshmen passed
on November 1. Our colleagues in Admissions and Financial Aid are working on
these now. Regarding the Chemistry Building, faculty and staff should be able
to move back into Matthews/Daniels later in the week. The university has lifted
international travel restrictions for faculty and staff. As of January 1,
traveler insurance will be required for university-sponsored international
travel. Provost Scholz closed by discussing the challenges of our titling
system and difficulties securing the data about market compensation levels
prior to TTC, as well as securing the resources to address issues that arise
from TTC.
adjourned at 5:09 pm.
Minutes submitted
by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff