Doodle Accessibility and Usability Information
Doodle assists with the coordination of meetings or events through an online voting process.
Get help
Contact the DoIT Help Desk for general assistance or to report an accessibility or usability barrier.
Accessibility and usability barriers
The following information is provided to help people with disabilities know what potential barriers may exist.
Screen reader barriers make navigation difficult for people with vision disabilities
Lack of descriptions on some elements such as buttons or links can lead to confusion for screen reader users. There are also instances of changes to elements in a workflow, such as added labels or fields, upstream of the user’s place on the page without notifying the user via screen reader.
Keyboard navigation barriers make navigation difficult for people with vision or motor disabilities
Indication of visual focus is sometimes lost when navigating Doodle via keyboard. Several of the survey building or response tools have confusing tab order that doesn’t align with the visual order or expected workflow, and other elements, such as interactive calendars, aren’t accessible at all via keyboard.