Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Agenda 12-17-21
Compensation &
Economics Benefits Committee (CEBC) Meeting
Friday, December 17th at 2:00pm via Microsoft Teams
Click here to join the meeting
- Approve Meeting Minutes from Last Month (see attached)
- FAQ (
Suggestions for Improvements
- Review the Google Sheet and finalize to
send to ASEC
- Review/Discuss Salary Range Data (ie:
Breadth of Ranges)
o Review data and compile questions that we’d like
§ How many people were moved to the bottom of a salary
4. Items for January so we don’t forget
o Committee Welcome Template
§ Kayla will work on in January.
o Review Remote Work Agreement data
§ v2 with breakdown of gender/age/ethnicity and info on
#s pending in L&S if available by meeting date