UW-Madison Google Workspace - Saving Class Groups

This document provides an overview of saving class groups. After a term ends instructors are notified of list deletion happening in 3 months. Then again notified 2 weeks prior to deletion. During this time instructors have the choice to "save" class groups which will converted them to being standard Google Groups managed in the Google Groups UI. Only a small percentage of instructors choose to save previous term class groups as they are typically no longer needed months after a semester ends.
  1. To begin, visit the Class Groups administration page. If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted for your NetID and password.
  2. Under "Classes With Email Groups" select "Previous Term".
  3. Either click "Save Email Group" for a single group or use the check boxes and the "Save Groups" button do to multiple at once.
  4. After you receive confirmation on screen, saved Class Groups have been converted to standard groups and are available in the Google Groups UI

classlist class list google groups save classgroup classes 
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Josh O. in UW Google Apps
DoIT Help Desk, Google Apps