Administration & Governance - Named Faculty Appointments - Expectations and Review Guidelines
School of Human Ecology Named Faculty Appointments
Guidelines and Expectations
A great university’s greatness resides in its faculty. Thus, the acquisition and support of a named faculty appointment enhances an academic institution’s overall well-being, scholarship, and prestige. What is more, such endowments enable the institution to secure external funding and attract yet more high quality scholars and teachers. Named faculty appointments also form a foundation from which to recruit high caliber students. As such, this guideline is established to ensure that all named faculty holders clearly understand their roles and responsibilities in order to achieve SoHE’s shared goals for excellence and collegiality.
The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that is formed with each donor will include guidelines that describe the nature of each specific named faculty appointment. Qualified candidates should generally be scholars and/or leaders within their discipline as demonstrated by significant publications or creative works of the highest quality service on committees related to state, regional, national and international professional associations, and also distinguished teachers as evidenced by awards received or other marks of recognition bestowed by universities or other renowned organizations.
The appointment process will be conducted in accordance with selection guidelines established by the SoHE (see SoHE Named Faculty Appointments-Criteria and Process). A faculty committee will be convened to review the credentials of faculty members being considered for any SoHE named faculty appointment and tasked to make a recommendation to the Dean. The Dean will make a final decision to appoint or not appoint. In regard to Bascom professorships; the Committee makes a recommendation to the Dean, who subsequently makes a recommendation to the Provost of the University.
Named Faculty: Roles and Responsibilities
The holders of all named appointments are expected to provide leadership in five areas and will be expected to accomplish the following:
- Maintain a high level of productivity within the discipline.
- Maintain national visibility within the designated discipline through continuing scholarly and/or creative activities.
- Seek external funding commensurate with the holding of a distinguished position within the discipline.
Teaching and Service
- Contribute to the teaching and/or outreach mission of the university, and in ways appropriate to the position and the discipline.
- Contribute to the service mission of the university, School and department, in ways appropriate to the position.
Leadership, Citizenship and Collegiality
- Serve as a role model for others in department and School engagement, citizenship, and collegiality.
- Serve as a role model in leadership activities including the effective mentorship of pre-tenure faculty.
Advancing the OneSoHE21 vision
In addition to these scholarly and leadership responsibilities, holders of named faculty appointments are expected to contribute to the advancement of the OneSoHE21 vision. This is accomplished by engaging in a high degree of performance in the categories above, and additionally engage in activities designed specifically to advance the School’s strategic plan.
Stewardship is an important part of development -- it conveys the importance of gifts and forms a connection between the donor, the School of Human Ecology, the faculty they choose to support and change they hope to inspire. It is an essential responsibility of the recipient of a SoHE named chair or professorship to provide ongoing and meaningful stewardship, which requires partnership with the members of the SoHE Advancement and Communications team to ensure a good record of communication and seamless coordination.
The holders of all named appointments are expected to provide stewardship for the donors as advised by the Dean or the Dean’s Advancement Team(AT). The stewardship activity may include, but should not be limited to, communicating with donors about significant accomplishments and/or current activities, meeting with them as needed and/or providing an annual update to them. It is recognized that the diversity of donors requires that stewardship activities be tailored to the donor—e.g., different activities would be appropriate for a single donor who is actively involved with the School as compared to a corporate donor, and not all donors will want or expect a personal relationship with the holder.
Appendix A summarizes these roles and responsibilities and provides examples of evidence related to the meeting of these expectations.
Holder Annual Reporting
Named faculty appointments come with an expectation of an annual stewardship report and check-in meeting with the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs every Spring after the completion of the PFAR review.
Appendix B summarizes instructions on preparing the report.
Holder Term Report or Renewal Review
As the end of a named faculty appointment term nears, the holders of all these appointments will be reviewed as described below. A portfolio will be created that will include documents supplied by the Dean’s office as well as statements and documentation provided by the holder.
Renewal of a named faculty appointment depends on a number of factors:
- Holder’s desire and willingness to continue in the role;
- Successful completion and outcome of the Term Review;
- Nature of the MOA with the donors; and
- Nature of the appointment (e.g., hired into the named faculty appointment or rotating off among the faculty, or reapplication).
Where named faculty appointments are deemed renewable, a Term Review Committee will be appointed by the Dean. It will be the review committee's responsibility to review the holder’s portfolio and submit a written assessment to the Dean documenting to what extent the holder has met the expectations for roles and responsibilities for the named appointment.
Appendix C summarizes details on the content of the portfolio and instructions to the holder.
Appendix A: Summary of Roles and Responsibilities and Examples of Evidence
To provide guidance to the Term Review committee as well as to the holder for annual and term reporting, the following table provides a summary of roles and responsibilities along with examples (in no way exhaustive) of output that might serve as evidence of role/responsibility performance.
Appendix B: Annual Report Instructions for Named Faculty appointments
The annual report will be used as documentation of the holder’s stewardship activities over the past year, as a springboard for appropriate personal communication with the donor, as a summary the Advancement Team can use for reporting and other purposes, as a report for annual review by the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, and additionally, as input for the Term Review Process. These multiple purposes should be kept in mind in its preparation.
Annual (AY) reports should be relatively short; 1-2 pages is recommended. There are four components of the Annual Report:
- A narrative summary of accomplishments and impact related to the roles and responsibilities of a holder of the particular named faculty appointment. The goal here is to create a story about the most important accomplishments in the last year highlighting as much as possible impact or intended impact.
- Plans and goals for the coming year as related to the roles and responsibilities in the particular named appointment.
- Any activities engaged in relating to advancing the OneSoHE21 Vision.
- The stewardship activities the holder has engaged in during the year with their donor, or with other donors or for the School or university more widely.
The report should be submitted to the Dean’s office no later than February 1st.
Note: Appendix A Summarizing Named Faculty Appointment Roles and Responsibilities and examples of activities may be helpful in the preparation of the report.
Appendix C: Instructions for Preparation of the Term Report
Faculty who are nearing the end of their named faculty appointment will be notified by the Dean’s office prior to the academic semester in which the review will occur to prepare their Term Report.
To streamline the process of creating the Term Report, the Dean’s office will compile the following to be included in the portfolio:
- Description of the nature of the appointment and the MOA with the donor.
- Copy of the holder’s most recent Post Tenure Review report
- Copies of the holder’s annual stewardship report
- Copies of the holder’s P-FAR summary reviews for each of the years of the appointment. (P-FAR reports will be provided upon request of the review committee).
- For renewable appointments only; summary results of a “circle review” of the holder with respect to Citizenship, Engagement and Collegiality. This short Qualtrics survey will be administered to solicit information from SoHE stakeholders. The holder will be asked to suggest 4 names of SoHE employees; 3 from within their own department and 1 from outside in addition to names added by the Dean’s office. (See Appendix D for content of Circle Review).
The holder shall submit the following to the Dean’s office:
- A current CV.
- The holder’s Term Report. This 3-4 page narrative will summarize how the holder has met the roles and responsibilities of their appointment during their term. To help the holder address their accomplishments and impact in the context of the roles and responsibilities specified in this document, Appendix A lists these roles and responsibilities and provides examples (non-exhaustive) of the types of evidence that may be relevant for each responsibility. The Term Report should end with a paragraph outlining the holder’s plans for meeting the requirements of the role in the next term period, highlighting any special accomplishments they have in mind.
- In addition to the Term Report, the holder may optionally include any additional documentation that provides evidence of their successful achievement of these roles and responsibilities or circumstances beyond their control that have impeded their performance.
Appendix D. Content of Circle Review of Citizenship, Engagement and Collegiality
In addition to scholarship and leadership activities, holders of named faculty appointments are also charged with maintaining their engagement and citizenship in the department and being role models for collegiality, contributing to the overall well-being of SoHE and its employees. (See SoHE Leadership Expectations)
For each of the citizenship and collegiality characteristics listed below, please indicate the extent to which the person you are reviewing displays these characteristics:
Response options:
- To very little extent
- To a little extent
- To some extent
- To a great extent
- To a very great extent
- Don’t Know/Not Applicable
Engagement and Citizenship:
- Does their fair share of work in committees or other group activities.
- Attends and actively participates in departmental and School meetings.
- Positive role modeling evident through personal involvement, collaboration, inspiration, and energy.
Collegiality and Well-Being of All:
- Treats co-workers of all backgrounds and positions fairly, respectfully, and courteously.
- Creates negative energy in the workplace (e.g., gossiping, bullying, complaining).
- Works to foster harmony and well-being among fellow colleagues and staff.
Maintains high standards of personal ethics and integrity:
- Dedication to the well-being of the department and School and its employees is evident in their leadership and role modeling.