Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 01-06-22
Approved 01-20-22
2:00 –
4:30 p.m. Thursday, January 6, 2022
Members Present: Donna Cole, Jenny Dahlberg; Tim
Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Stephanie Jones; Mallory Musolf;
Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler
Guests: Lesley Fisher, Lori Getter, Eden
Inoway-Ronnie, John Lucas, Karen Massetti-Moran, Karl
Scholz, Patrick Sheehan, Scott Wildman
The meeting was called to order at 2:02
The minutes of December 9 were
General Reports
Tim Dalby, ASEC Chair, reported on the
meeting with ASEC leadership and OHR on December 14. TTC,
Mark Walters’ retirement, and the youth protection policy were all topics of
discussion. There was also an ASEC listening hour on that day, at which a
question was raised about the effect of the extension of the TTC appeals deadlines on appeals in progress. Tim attended
the Letters & Science CASI meeting on December 15, during which staff
morale, resources, and TTC were all discussed. The
CASI will continue to meet virtually for the spring. At the recent meeting of
the chiefs of staff, chairs, and secretaries, there was discussion of the
campus mask mandate being extended through March 1. Unvaccinated employees and
students will continue to test weekly, and more testing will be available once
students arrive on campus. It is expected that there will be finalists for the
UW System President Search in mid-January, and
listening sessions have been announced for the Chancellor search.
Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic
Staff, discussed the liaison and committee vacancies after Leslie Petty’s
departure. Donna Cole volunteered to serve as the liaison to the International
Division CASI, and ASEC approved Stephanie Elkins to serve as the ASEC
representative on the Ad Hoc Committee on Academic and University Staff
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Jake provided an update on the campus-wide
climate survey initiative. Kelly will be providing a draft to Jake for ASEC’s
review in the coming weeks. Jake reminded attendees about the upcoming
listening sessions for the Chancellor’s search. There will be one for academic
staff at large and another for instructional academic staff. The TTC Governance Advisory Group had its final meeting, though
issues will continue to be routed to Karen and her team as needed. The
Administrative Quality Satisfaction Survey will be launching later in the
month, which is designed to capture data on a variety of administrative
services across campus and will provide some baseline information for the Administrative
Transformation Project. Applications for Academic Staff Excellence Awards are
due on January 24.
Liaison Reports
Donna Cole reported on the meeting
of the SMPH CASI, at which issues were discussed
related to a SMPH employee survey that is in development.
Mallory Musolf
reported that the UW System Representatives were notified that each governance
group will have two designees that will meet with the candidates for UW System
President on January 18. Lynn Niemi and Joe Quintana will serve in this
capacity for the Academic Staff Reps. All of the reps
will be gathering questions for the candidates by next Wednesday.
Lindsey Stoddard Cameron has talked
with the Nominating Committee chair regarding increasing diversity of committee
membership and how to partner with the committee as its liaison. She will also
be working with the Districting and Representation Committee in February to
assist in the committee’s ongoing review of titles and districting.
Stephanie Elkins reported that the
Wisconsin Public Media CASI discussed the salary data that came from OHR with regard to the public broadcasting job group. WPM’s HR department is doing further research on salaries
in this space.
Guest: Karl Scholz, Provost
Provost Scholz reported on a
variety of administrative searches, including the Director of Wisconsin Public
Media, the Director of the Global Health Institute, the Dean of the College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences, and the UW System President. Jocelyn Milner is
transitioning out of her role as Director of Academic Planning and
Institutional Research this month, and Allison La Tarte will be serving as the
interim director. There will also be searches for a new Chancellor and a new
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration in the spring.
Regarding spring planning, it is
expected that spring will look very similar to fall semester. Students are moving
back into housing. The mask policy for campus has been extended to March 1, and
there will continue to be testing of unvaccinated students. We are asking
students to have a negative test both before traveling to Madison and once they
arrive. Campus is working hard to secure more isolation and quarantine space as
needed. With respect to instruction, instructors are being encouraged to design
attendance policies that recognize higher levels of absence and to explore ways
to have course access for those who aren’t able to attend (e.g.
alternative assignments that achieve learning outcomes). If an instructor needs
to isolate/quarantine, they should work with department leadership if they need
to be absent from in-person instruction. Deans will be working with Vice
Provost for Teaching and Learning John Zumbrunnen on these issues. There will
also be a concentrated effort to promote boosters for both students and
employees. There are no changes to campus event policy at present. Antigen
tests will be available for all students in university housing, and there will
be drop-in times for off-campus students to get antigen tests as well.
Guest: Beth Meyerand, Vice Provost
for Faculty and Staff Affairs
Assistant Vice Provost Kelly Rupp
is working on a campus-wide climate survey with a number of
individuals, including the Secretary’s office. ASEC will be provided a draft
for review next week. The Provost Office is taking an active role in this
initiative, working closely with DDEEA and the Survey
Center. All groups working on the survey will have access to the data.
Another initiative for the spring
leads to discussion on ASEC’s question about baseline data on hostile and
intimidating behavior (HIB). Vice Provost for Academic Operations Jennifer
Noyes is meeting with HR in schools/colleges/divisions and asking questions
about how HIB is tracked at that level. She is about halfway through the
process of canvassing them to find out what their strategies have been and what
they might do differently. The next step is potentially to form a committee
this spring to look at policy around this.
Vice Provost Meyerand has
communicated with deans and department chairs about the availability of
professorial titles for academic staff and is interested in ASEC’s ideas. There
are some impressions that TTC has impacted the
rollout of these titles. ASEC expressed the necessity of communicating that
these titles are not only for new recruitments but also for employees who are
already performing the commensurate duties and responsibilities associated with
these titles. Any opportunities to promote these in chairs’ chats or new chair
welcome should be explored as well. ASEC also discussed reaching out to holders
of the honorific research professor titles and to departmental administrators.
Guests: Patrick Sheehan, Interim Chief
Human Resources Officer, and Karen Massetti-Moran,
Director of Total Rewards, Office of Human Resources
Patrick introduced himself as the
interim CHRO. He has been on campus for 12 years, beginning
in OHR in Workforce Relations. He was the HR strategy lead for ATP for the last
two years. The search for the new Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
will be completed before the search begins for the new Chief HR Officer.
Patrick’s priorities for the interim role include: 1) building and maintaining
relationships, including with shared governance partners; 2) moving critical
initiatives forward, such as TTC and ATP, as well as advocating
for Madison’s interests in ATP; and 3) worklife
balance and better ways of promoting it, along with addressing pandemic-related
issues. Promoting recruitment capabilities, supporting retention efforts, and
recognition of the competitive labor market are all crucial as well. The work
of the Equity, Inclusion, and Well-Being unit in OHR is a priority.
appeals deadline has been extended to February 4 to give people more time to
file, as well as to give people more time for informal conversations and
resolutions. As of yesterday afternoon, there were 204 records in the system,
with 104 in draft. There have been 202 informal resolutions, with 135 of those
being academic staff. From what has been submitted thus far, there are no
discernable trends in terms of title. OHR has also had conversations with the
HR community about what they’re seeing in terms of informal resolutions. OHR
also has a log with a variety of issues that have been raised outside of the
individual appeal process. IT is one of those issues in the log, albeit with a
much wider impact. The team is working through a number of
concerns related to IT and hopes to make definitive decisions by the end of the
month. There are also issues related to the sponsored programs, grants, and contracts
area. A number of concerns came in as to how those
titles are being used. OHR did an initial analysis and are in discussions with OVCRGE. There are also a number of
individual situations being looked at in addition to the broader issues in job
groups. If employees have submitted appeals through the system and haven’t
heard anything, their first point of communication would be their local HR.
Motion to Convene in Closed Session
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to Discuss Appointment to the
University Academic Planning Council (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to Reconvene in Open Session
(Cole). Seconded. Approved.
· Appointment
– for vote
Jones was elected to serve as ASEC’s representative to the University Academic
Planning Council.
· February
Assembly Meeting Agenda
reviewed a first draft of the February agenda and discussed potential topics
for Chancellor Blank, who will address the Assembly at that meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 4:27 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Jake Smith,
Secretary of the Academic Staff