Procedures: Approvals for Distance Education Programs and Courses

Policy on required approvals for distance education programs and courses, including definitions and the approval process for distance courses and distance programs.


Approvals for Distance Education Programs and Courses

Policy Number


Responsible Office

Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research


University Policy


The U.S. Department of Education, the Higher Learning Commission, and UW System Administration require institutions to maintain records for and report on distance-education programs. The provisions described in this policy ensure UW–Madison is compliant with these requirements.


Approval of Distance Education Courses

Courses are approved on the basis of academic content, and not on the mode of instruction, e.g., in-person, hybrid, online.

When courses are entered in the Schedule of Classes, each course section must be labeled with the relevant mode of instruction to accurately represent course delivery. The mode of instruction is essential and must be reliable for students and for mandated reporting purposes. Modes of Instruction include:

In-Person - The course section is not a distance-education course section.

Hybrid – The course section is intentionally designed to include a regular pattern of online and in-person meetings.

Remote – A course section that under normal conditions would be in-person but is offered totally remote in response to COVID-19 or another semester-long disruption of in-person or hybrid instruction.

Online – The course section is totally a distance-education course section. The section is delivered 100% via distance-learning technology (including exams); no campus visits are required.

Approval of Distance Education Academic Programs (Degrees/Majors/Options/Certificates)

All distance education academic programs require institutional, UW System Administration, and UW System Board of Regents approval.

New Degrees and Majors

A new degree/major program that is to be delivered via distance education, must follow the regular new-program approval process. Distance-delivery features are approved in the context of the full program approval.

Existing Degrees and Majors

An existing degree/major that is to be offered via distance education in addition to being offered in-person must be advanced for a formal named option. This is required for any program where distance education comprises more than 50% of the curriculum. The percentage of the curriculum that is distance-delivered must be indicated on the named option proposal.

The named option will provide a mechanism to communicate to students the nature of the program. It will also enable for the identification of distance education students separately from in-person students so the university is compliant with reporting requirements.


A new certificate program that is to be offered via distance education or a certificate that is changing entirely to distance-delivery must follow the regular institutional approval process. UW System Administration approval is not required for certificates.

Related UW–Madison Documents, Web Pages, or Other Resources

External References

Approval Authority

Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Policy Manager

Vice Provost for Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research


Associate Director, Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research -- Michelle Young, MEYOUNG@WISC.EDU, (608) 262-2143

Effective Date

Source: View policy UW-1021 in the UW-Madison Policy Library


The Higher Learning Commission (the agency that accredits UW-Madison) and federal regulations require that institutions have records of distance-education courses (numbers of courses, enrollment counts, credit counts), and distance-education programs (lists of programs and enrollment numbers). In addition, the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement and state authorization laws in most states require that institutions must be able to report distance education students by their state where they are living while they are enrolled. UW System Administration has approval and reporting requirements for distance-education programs (refer to SYS102). The provisions described in this document are designed to insure that UW-Madison is able to meet these requirements.

Approval of Distance Courses

Campus governance (University Curriculum Committee) does not approve courses by modality (distance, hybrid, face-to-face). Modality is set-up when scheduling courses. See the Procedures: Mode of Instruction Course Section Descriptors KB for more info. Individual Schools/Colleges may have rules/policies for which modalities courses may be scheduled.

Approval of Distance Academic Programs (Degrees/Majors/Options/Certificates)

All distance-delivered academic programs require institutional and UW-System approval. A formal record of these programs is required for reporting to UW System Administration, reporting to the Higher Learning Commission, and to meet US Department of Education regulations.

Consult the director of Academic Planning and Institutional Research or the academic planning web site (


New Degrees and Majors

If a new degree/major program is to be delivered through distance-education, it goes through the regular new program approval process. Distance-delivery features are approved in the context of the full program approval.

Existing Degrees and Majors

If an existing degree/major is to be offered as a distance-education program in addition to being offered in a traditional, residential format, then a proposal must be advanced for a formal named option. This is required for any program that will be delivered more than 50% as a distance program. The percentage of the program that is distance delivered should be indicated on the named option proposal. The option will provide a mechanism to communicate to students the nature of the program. It will also allow us to identify the students separately from those in the traditional residential program and thus meet mandated institutional reporting on distance education programs.

For information on proposals for named options, see

100% Distance-delivered Named Options

Degree/major programs adding named options that can be completed 100% via distance education require additional information for UW System Administration approval. Attach the following information to the named option proposal (limit 2 pages): 

  • Brief description of the existing program that will be offered via 100% distance delivery;
  • Whether the program will continue to be offered via face-to-face delivery, and the percentage that will be offered via face-to-face delivery;
  • A brief rationale for the change, including opportunities that will be made available to students;
  • The potential impact on students, including an assessment of any changes in costs;
  • The potential impact on faculty and staff;
  • Information on how any lab courses required for the degree will be handled;
  • Confirmation of the approval of the appropriate institutional governance body or bodies; and
  • The desired effective date.

APIR/Office of the Provost will circulate the proposal addendum to all UW System provosts a notice for comment. The other UW provosts have 10 working days to respond in writing with any concerns. If no concerns are raised, UW System Administration will issue an approval memo within 15 working days after the end of the Provosts’ review. If there are institutional or system-wide concerns, UW System Administration will determine the appropriate manner in which to proceed and will issue an approval or denial memo in an expeditious manner.

50% or More, But Less Than 100% Distance-delivered degree/majors

Degree/major programs adding named options that can be completed more than 50%, but less than 100% via distance education require additional information for UW System Administration approval. APIR/Office of the Provost provides the following information to UW System Administration:

  • A brief description of action(s) to be taken;
  • The percentage of the program that will be offered via distance delivery and the percentage of the program that will continue to be offered via face-to-face delivery;
  • Confirmation of the approval of the appropriate institutional governance body or bodies; and
  • The desired effective date.

UW System Administration will issue the notification memo of approval within 15 working days after receipt of the information.


A new certificate program that will be offered as a distance-delivered program or a certificate that is changing entirely to distance-delivery should complete the certificate proposal form and go through the regular institutional approval process. UW System Administration approval is not required. For proposals for a change in delivery mode by existing certificates, the expectation is that the approval will be straightforward and focused on considerations associated with delivering a quality program in the new mode of delivery.

For additional information on certificates, see

Compliance with Program Review Requirements

Note that UW-Madison faculty policy as well as System/Regent policy and accreditation criteria, require regular program review, including a review of new programs at the five year mark and after that review of academic programs at least once every ten years. Units proposing new programs will need to be up-to-date on assessment and program review. Programs that are over-due for review will be required to complete a review before conversion is approved.

online, remote 
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Karen M. in Academic Planning
Academic Planning