L&S Course Proposal Information (Main Overview)

Departments must submit course proposals to create, change, or discontinue courses. Please use the resources on this overview page to find information about creating course proposals and how they are subsequently reviewed and approved. The L&S contact for course proposals is Sara Stephenson, sbstephenson@wisc.edu

Creating a Lumen Course Proposal

L&S departments must submit course proposals via the Lumen Course Proposal System to create, change, or discontinue courses. Please see the links below for information about creating a course proposal.
Lumen Course Proposal
Links Description
Lumen Courses (course proposal system) Access the Lumen Course Proposal system to create a new course or change an existing course (No special authorization is required). 

Syllabus requirements for course proposals (optional: a campus Word syllabus template is available)

All course proposals require an up-to-date syllabus. Attached syllabi must meet all the criteria outlined in this link.
L&S level criteria (e.g. elementary, intermediate, advanced) Describes the L&S undergraduate "level" criteria. This information can help proposers understand what level might be appropriate for their course, as well as explain how their course meets the criteria.
L&S breadth criteria (e.g. Biological Science, Physical Science, Humanities, Social Science, Literature, and Natural Science) Describes the L&S undergraduate "breadth" criteria. This information can help proposers understand what level might be appropriate for their course, as well as explain how their course meets the criteria.
General education designation criteria (e.g. Comm A, Comm B, QR-A, Q-B, Ethnic Studies) Requests for a course to have a General Education designation added to a course are reviewed by the designated Gen Ed subcommittee or faculty liaison. The course criteria and review process can be found on this webpage.
L&S course proposal deadlines Recommended and final L&S course proposal deadlines are posted here. Course proposals that meet policy and style guidelines generally take at least 6 weeks to receive final University Curriculum Committee approval once they have been submitted for L&S Administrative review. Allow at least 2 weeks following UCC approval for the course to be uploaded to SIS. 

How a Course Proposal is Approved

Once entered into workflow, course proposals require multiple stages of review and approval. Please see the below links for information about different stages of the course proposal review and approval process.
Course proposal workflow
Links Description
Course Proposal Status This page allows departments to track workflow status of any active course proposals. 
List of Department Approvers Course proposals are first approved at the departmental level. Check this link to see who is authorized to approve proposals on behalf of your department. To alter these permissions, please contact Sara Stephenson, sbstephenson@wisc.edu
Details of L&S administrative review This page describes how courses are administratively reviewed by L&S following department approval (and what types of revisions might be requested) before they are reviewed and approved by the L&S Curriculum Committee.
Governance review of L&S course proposals This page describes the governance review process for course proposals.

course proposal, level, breadth, Lumen, syllabus requirements, course proposal deadline, course proposal status, course review, department approvers 
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