University Committee Meeting Minutes 2022-01-31
University Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes approved 02/07/2021Minutes for January 31, 2022
UC members present: Babcock, Halverson, Papp, Sandgren (chair), Tejedo-Herrero, Thibeault
present besides those listed below: Michaela Aust, Greg Bump, Michelle Felber, Lesley
Fisher, Jane Richard, Jake Smith
called the meeting to order at 1:00.
minutes of the meeting of January 24, 2022, were approved by consent.
Hitchman, senator for the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
(District 64), presented a motion supporting an academic staff resolution
asking that the state pay plan be distributed as base-building regardless of
where staff fell within a pay band. Papp moved to support the resolution. It
was seconded and approved.
February Senate Agenda has 5 business items. In addition to the motion by Matt
Hitchman, there is a resolution from the Committee on Disability, Access and
Inclusion, the 2026-2027 academic calendar, removing an outdated policy on
university facility use, and adding a deadline for appeal to dean in the policy
on promotion from associate professor to professor.
University Committee will ask the Faculty Senate for input on a briefing
document for the new UW System President. Eric will also provide an update on
the ad hoc committee for administrative burden and the development of a
tracking system for shared governance issues.
Thompson, chair of the Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee, provided the annual
report for the committee. The Morgridge Center and the Lectures Committee,
usually in the queue, did not submit funding requests, likely because of the
pandemic. The committee also advertised a slightly higher funding range this
year in an effort to attract more applicants.
Treves, chair, and Ruben Mota, ex officio member of the Committee on
Disability, Access and Inclusion, presented a resolution for the Faculty Senate
to consider. They also discussed broad issues with accommodations for faculty
and staff. The University Committee asked share information at what level
issues were occurring.
Rebecca Blank reported that the spring semester has begun, and the chemistry
building is open. Student positive tests were lower last week than the week
before; masks are required through March 1. UW-Madison is hosting the Board of
Regents meeting next week so there will be UW-Madison presentations at all
sessions. The administration started budget meetings with campus units.
Hulland and Cliff Robb, co-chairs of the Retirement Issues Committee, presented
the committee’s annual report for 2019-2021 that will be at the March Faculty Senate
meeting. They are identifying gaps in the transition to retirement for
different groups and making sure retirement benefits are accessible and usable.
They would like to survey both employees and retirees next academic year.
moved to convene in closed session; it was seconded and approved at 3:01.
moved to reconvene in open session; it was seconded and approved at 3:20.
Sandgren adjourned the meeting at 3:23.