ECMS - Document viewer launches off viewable screen
This document explains how bring the content viewer window back into viewable screen space.
[Doc 8386 content is unavailable at this time.]
Issue: The ImageNow login screen does not appear within the viewable screen area.
Resolution: There are multiple ways to resolve this issue:
Option 1:
- Right-click on ImageNow window that only appears in the taskbar and click Move.
- Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to drag the window back to your primary monitor.
Option 2:
- Quit ImageNow.
- On the affected computer go to [drive:]\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Imagenow or [drive:]\Program Files\ImageNow6, depending on the Work Path setting, and make a backup of the imagenow.ini file.
- Note To locate the Work Path, in the ImageNow log-in dialog box, click About.
- Open the imagenow.ini file in a text editor and locate the [User Preferences] section.
- Change the LoginFrame value to the following: LoginFrame=0:1:-1:-1:-1:-1:3:1:604:386
- Save and close the file.
Note: This change will force ImageNow to appear in the top-left corner of your primary monitor.