ECMS - Document viewer launches off viewable screen

This document explains how bring the content viewer window back into viewable screen space.
[Doc 8386 content is unavailable at this time.]  

Issue: The ImageNow login screen does not appear within the viewable screen area.

Resolution: There are multiple ways to resolve this issue:

Option 1:
  1. Right-click on ImageNow window that only appears in the taskbar and click Move.
  2. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to drag the window back to your primary monitor.
Option 2:
  1. Quit ImageNow.
  2. On the affected computer go to [drive:]\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Imagenow or [drive:]\Program Files\ImageNow6, depending on the Work Path setting, and make a backup of the imagenow.ini file.
    1. Note To locate the Work Path, in the ImageNow log-in dialog box, click About.
  3. Open the imagenow.ini file in a text editor and locate the [User Preferences] section.
  4. Change the LoginFrame value to the following: LoginFrame=0:1:-1:-1:-1:-1:3:1:604:386 
  5. Save and close the file.
Note: This change will force ImageNow to appear in the top-left corner of your primary monitor.

imagenow image now perceptive content enterprise management service ECM ECMS Document viewer launches off viewable screen phantom monitor ghost monitor 
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Douglas S. in ECMS