Video upload to Canvas

upload video to canvas

After you created your video from Powerpoint or other source, use the following steps 

  1. Login to your Canvas course.  Go to the module where you want to add the video.

  2. Select the + and add a Page, Create Page, and name your page
    create page image

  3. Click on Page and edit.

  4. Click Kaltura Icon
    kaltura button
  5. From Embed Kaltura Media screen select +Add New and then Media Upload
    add new video image
  6. Agree to the Terms & Conditions 

  7. Choose your file by either "Drag & Dropping" mp4 or "Choose a file to upload" and browse to find on your computer

  8. Complete the details.  

    1. Name: You can change the name as you want to appear if it is not already.

    2. Description: if desired

    3. Tags:  add the 6 digit number of your course.  SAS courses 732-XXX, PPD 728-XXX, PharmSci 718-XXX

    4. Add Collaborator.  Type:  G-PHARM-LectureCapture  and select Co-Editor & Co-Publisher and click ADD  (This will allow the IIT team to assist with any issues that may arise with the video)
      screenshot of add collaborator
  9. Then click "</>Save and Embed"
    screenshot save and embed
  10. Then Save & Publish in Canvas
    screenshot save & publish in canvas

  11. Once the video has finished processing, you need to come back and add Captioning.
    1. How to Add Machine Captioning can be found here:  this can be done from Canvas or Kaltura
    2. If you have a student with accommodations, add Professional Captioning (McBurney).  Directions can be found here:

kaltura canvas video 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Amy C. in School of Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy