Editing Space Setups & Features in the EMS

How-to steps to find and update a space/room setup and/or features in the EMS.

Editing Space Setups & Features in the EMS

Spaces listed as available in the EMS may need the setup updated in terms of the setup type and/or room capacity. In addition, the space features in terms of the technology available may also need to be updated.

Updating A Space Setup

Updating Space Features

Updating A Space Setup

  • After logging in to the EMS client, select the "Configuration > Facilities > Rooms" menu options.

Screenshot of EMS client menu navigating to rooms window

  • In the "Rooms" window:
    • Select the preferred "Building" from the drop-down menu near the top of the window.
    • Optional: Enter keyword text into the "Filter" field text box at the top right-hand area of the window to filter the resulting list by division/department name or space type (i.e. huddle, conference, workstation, etc.).
    • Select/highlight the room to update.
    • Select the "Edit" button from the right-hand side of the window.

Screenshot of EMS client rooms window noting next steps

  • Select the "Setup Types" tab once the specific space window loads (this may take up to 20 seconds).
    • Change Space Description/Type:
      • Select and also deselect the relevant boxes in the "In Use" column to update the "Description" type.
    • Update Min/Max Capacity:
      • Select/highlight the relevant number in the "Min Capacity" or "Max Capacity" columns. 
      • Enter the updated number.

Screenshot of EMS room setup type menu tab

  • Select the "OK" button at the bottom of the window to confirm entered changes.

Updating Space Features

  • After logging in to the EMS client, select the "Configuration > Facilities > Rooms" menu options.

Screenshot of EMS client menu navigating to rooms window

  • In the "Rooms" window:
    • Select the preferred "Building" from the drop-down menu near the top of the window.
    • Optional: Enter keyword text into the "Filter" field text box at the top right-hand area of the window to filter the resulting list by division/department name or space type (i.e. huddle, conference, workstation, etc.).
    • Select/highlight the room to update.
    • Select the "Edit" button from the right-hand side of the window.

Screenshot of EMS client rooms window noting next steps

  • Select the "Features" tab once the specific space window loads (this may take up to 20 seconds).
    • Select/highlight a feature from the available list in the left-hand column. 
    • Select the ">" left point arrow to move the feature into the right-hand column.
      • Select and move additional features by repeating the above step.

Screenshot of EMS room features menu tab

  • Select the "OK" button at the bottom of the window to confirm the entered changes.

rooms, spaces, features, active, inactive, EMS, events, technology, setup, details, editing, update, updating, edit 
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Owned by:
Jenee J. in Facilities Planning & Management
Facilities Planning & Management