Academic Staff Mentoring Committee Agenda 03-11-22


Academic Staff Mentoring Committee

Friday, March 11, 2022, 9:00-10:00 am 

Microsoft Teams


9:00 am – 9:05 am: Welcome & meeting minutes volunteer      

9:05 am – 9:10 am: Approve Meeting Minutes (February)

9:10 am – 9:30 am: Events Sub-Committee (Vanessa, Gretchen, Jessica, Carmen, Christy)

·         March Event – Networking opportunity with breakout rooms

o   Debrief

o   Evaluation

·         Program wrap-up

9:30 am – 9:35 am: Mentor-Mentee Match Sub-Committee (Brian, Justin, Gretchen, Alex)

·         Updates

9:35 am – 9:40 am: Resources Sub-Committee (Vanessa, Justin, Kendra)

·         Webpage

·         LinkedIn

9:40 am – 9:45 am: Mentor Match Program Evaluation

·         Email from mentor Moses Altsech: “I was wondering if you've already created any mentoring program effectiveness metrics? A quick survey would allow you to take the pulse of mentors'/mentees' experience and, later on, see how it compared to their initial expectations and solicit feedback on how to tweak the program. If you needed help putting something together, please let me know; I'd be happy to help. My vision for an assessment was something more intricate than what's already in place--more than a periodic touchpoint, it would be long, intricate, and collect data on motivation to sign up, initial and evolving expectations, the experience, benefits to mentors and mentees, program improvement ideas, etc. So, it's not duplication; rather a complement.”

·         Christy followed up on 2/11/2022 and shared last year’s program evaluation with Moses. His suggestions are available here:

·         2021-22 draft End-of-Program evaluation is available here:

Note: not all suggestions have been incorporated.

9:45 am – 10:00 am: Debrief on discussion from January and February meetings re: changes to mentor match program

·         Topics we didn’t get to in February

o   Incorporate awareness of differences and create opportunities to share experiences at upcoming events

o   Update program to reflect current campus issues, such as TTC, hybrid work

·         Program adjustments we’d like to make

o   Create a clear statement of our program goals, including what we are and what we’re not to incorporate into our webpage and program promotion

§  Define Academic Staff:

§  Identify program outcomes: learn about campus, network, career path, etc.

o   Add more resources to our webpage: Inclusion Resources

o   Add video to our webpage – discuss message with SOAS

o   Have Jake give overview of AS during Fall kick-off event

·         Program adjustments we may incorporate in the future

o   Update the survey list of expertise to include: Experience as a person of color in the workplace; experience as a woman in the workplace; others?

10:00 am Adjourn

Next ASMC meeting: April 8

ASMC Members:

Christy Lowney (thru 6/2022) - Chair

Brian Asen (thru 6/2022)

Jessica Swenson (thru 6/2022)

Carmen Juniper Neimeko (thru 6/2023)

Justin Sena (thru 6/2023)

Alex Stark (thru 6/2023)

Gretchen Anding (thru 6/2024)

Kendra Gurnee (thru 6/2024) 

Vanessa Taulbee (thru 6/2024)

Mentoring Committee Agenda 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff