Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 03-24-22
Approved 03-31-22
1:55 –
4:30 p.m. Thursday, March 24, 2022
Bascom Hall
Members Present: Donna Cole; Jenny Dahlberg; Tim
Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Mallory Musolf; Lindsey
Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler
Guests: Jessica Beckendorf,
Elizabeth Covington, Rob Cramer, Lesley Fisher, Kevin Graeme, John Horn, Karl
Scholz, Patrick Sheehan, Jennifer Tishler, Joanna
Wang, Scott Wildman
The meeting was called to order at 1:56
The minutes of March 10 were
Guest: Karl Scholz, Provost
UW-Madison lifted it mask
requirements as of March 12. There was some anxiety around this change, but we
have also seen the lowest case counts on campus since the start of the pandemic.
Provost Scholz discussed this issue with Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning
John Zumbrunnen, and there have not been any reports of issues in classrooms
thus far. There have been some requests from instructors for their classes to
wear masks, and they are seeing good compliance with those requests. Testing
resources will continue to be available through the end of the semester.
Regarding issues around hostile and
intimidating behavior, the hope is attempts at informal resolution will be
successful. If not, a formal process can be pursued, with an investigation
conducted within the particular school/college/division.
The investigation would return findings as to whether the behavior rises to the
level of HIB, with various considerations for next steps based on employee
category. As an institution, we are always looking for ways to improve.
Bystander intervention training is an important piece of this, and there will
be a climate survey for all academic and university staff going out on April
12, which should provide additional useful information. There were also
discussions of the possibility of mediation services, as well as a more unified
policy around HIB.
Regarding the events in Ukraine, statements
have been issued from various centers on campus, and there has also been direct
outreach to members of the community where possible.
Guest: Patrick Sheehan, Interim
Chief Human Resources Officer
Training on how progression works
post-TTC is starting with the HR community through a series of learning events,
the first round of which is coming to a close. After
this, resources and more centralized support will be provided to
supervisors/managers. The change management around this is significant, since
TTC has changed the way we look at progression and promotion.
We want to make sure that units aren’t rolling out training prematurely, but
rather to ensure as much consistency as possible via a train-the-trainer model.
ASEC expressed concern about ensuring consistency in progression/promotion when
there have been examples of inconsistent application of titles reported. It is
important to decrease the amount of jumping between jobs in
schools/colleges/divisions, which creates additional issues in cost and
institutional knowledge gaps. OHR shares these concerns and is looking at a
macro-level approach to look at any areas where potential mistitling might have
occurred. With regard to future initiatives related to
benefits, ASEC also emphasized the need to be mindful of colleagues in
Extension and those who are working remotely.
ASEC expressed concerns regarding ageism
within academic staff, specifically those individuals who are between
mid-career and retirement. There is the notion of individuals being forgotten
for things like professional development, with the thought being that they
might not need it based on where they are at in their career. From an OHR
perspective, there are many reasons to address this beyond the more fundamental
issues. This is also an area for future supervisory training.
There are continuing conversations
occurring on the remote work policy within senior leadership. Concerns remain
around equity, as well as financial and non-financial impacts to employees who
are working on campus (e.g. parking, caregiving).
Patrick has been discussing this issue with peers at other institutions on a
regular basis. There are also conversations with respect to facilities,
specifically open floor plans vs. enclosed office spaces.
Guest: Rob Cramer, Interim Vice
Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Interim Vice Chancellor Cramer
introduced Joanna Wang, the new ATP Chief Technology Officer
and Program Executive. She will be providing leadership to the ATP team across all of the institutions, with 24 major functional areas in
HR, finance, and research. The contract with Workday was signed last year, and
the ATP kickoff planning phase began in January of this year. We are doing well
from a planning perspective, though there are some resource challenges. The
design phase should take 8-9 months, with testing and training phases taking
place in 2023 and deployment after users are fully trained.
On the question of the role of the
newly formed Office of Administrative Innovation and Planning, ATP has to work at UW-Madison, and we want to ensure that
individuals are engaging in the right places at the right time. To some extent,
the work of this office is picking up from the ATOM Project (Administrative
Transformation Operating Model). Nick Tincher is leading this office and will
be looking at a number of models for organization of
services. We also want to be sure that communication and change management are
pushed to campus strategically. The second aspect within the administrative
area is to have more intentional continuous improvement activity, and there is
work to build out a small group to determine how we can improve end user
experience with our processes. The third aspect is strategic planning on where
processes need to be several years from now. It will be important to help units
engage in conversation around the many systems that we have and to assess the scope
of those systems to determine whether Workday can replace them or not. SIS will
be in scope at some point but isn’t right now, because
the cloud-based systems aren’t ready. Regarding shared governance involvement,
we need to ensure that the right voices are in the room and that governance is
apprised of progress. The strategy will be to use existing communication
channels that work well as opposed to creating new ones. ASEC also emphasized
the need to have governance involvement earlier in the planning and design
General Reports
Tim Dalby, ASEC Chair, reported on
the recent meeting of a group of deans and ASEC members in an ongoing
discussion about diversity, equity, and inclusion for staff. Patrick Sheehan
was also in attendance to provide his perspective around a
number of areas that the group is looking at. Applications for the
Chancellor posting closed on March 11, and the number of finalists should be
available the week of April 26. Tim, Mallory, Jake, and Lesley met with Patrick
for their monthly meeting. Topics included greater diversity in recruitment,
the job rotation program, improved marketing and
communications within OHR, and exploration of tuition benefits for faculty and
staff. Tim attended the Letters and Science CASI meeting. Discussion focused on
remote work agreements and pay equity issues within the advising job group.
Jake Smith, Secretary of the
Academic Staff, reported that OHR sent a message to members of the IT job group
informing them that the review of titles and salary grades under the IT job
group has been completed, with the necessary changes communicated. The Faculty
Senate has been working on standardization of membership for shared governance
committees in Faculty Policies and Procedures. As a result, term lengths for
some committees have been extended to four years instead of three. The SOAS
Office has communicated these changes to impacted committee members. On the
topic of administrative searches, ASEC will have future discussions about
questions for upcoming sessions with chancellor, VCFA, and CALS dean finalists.
Liaison Reports
Donna Cole reported that the
Engineering CASI heard from the new DEI director in Engineering, Chris Castro.
David Noyes has also been liaising with the CASI.
Jenny Dahlberg reported that the
CALS CASI is continuing to work on its internal review. They are also
monitoring concerns from the advising community related to TTC. The Vet Med
CASI has approved its new website for publication. Jenny also updated them on
legislative action that was covered in the ASPRO report at the last Academic
Staff Assembly meeting.
Stephanie Elkins reported on the WPM
CASI meeting. A working group on TTC is getting underway to look at where staff
are in terms of quartiles. Work is also continuing on
review of the ethics guidelines for the division.
Lindsey Stoddard Cameron met with the
Nominating Committee to have a discussion related to the DEI subcommittee of
ASEC. There will be a follow-up meeting with the SOAS Office to discuss outreach
strategies, communications, and greater diversity in committee representation.
Motion to Convene in Closed Session
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to Discuss Appointment to the University
Research Council (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to Reconvene in Open Session
(Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.
· Appointment and Nominations – for
Motion to appoint Alfonso Del Rio (Dalby).
Seconded. Approved.
Assembly Meeting Agenda
reviewed a first draft of the agenda for the April Assembly meeting. Patrick
Sheehan and Karen Massetti-Moran have agreed to give a presentation and take
questions. The agenda will be voted on at the March 31 meeting.
· Topics for Guests
CDO – pick up threads on ASA presentation
(concrete examples of how issues bear out), transition/new hires in the
division, DEI education, degree to which s/c/d’s consult with his office and
how formal that process is
VCRGE – remote work philosophy, RSP
staffing, how he’s thinking about ATP with relation to the research enterprise
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Jake Smith,
Secretary of the Academic Staff