Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 04-07-22

Approved 04-21-22

ASEC Minutes

2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 7, 2022

53 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Donna Cole; Jenny Dahlberg; Tim Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Shane Hubbard; Mallory Musolf; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron

Guests: Elizabeth Covington, Lesley Fisher, Alex Frank, Karen Massetti-Moran, Patrick Sheehan, Becca Raven Uminowicz

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

The minutes of March 31 were approved.

Liaison Reports

Stephanie Elkins reported that the Ad Hoc Committee on Academic and University Staff Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will be reconvening to discuss the finalization of its report to ASEC and the Assembly.

Jenny Dahlberg reported that the faculty ad hoc committee on administrative burden met for the first time on Monday. The focus of the committee is reduction of administrative burden for faculty. The committee is still working out the charge and scope, though issues related to Business Services are a priority.

Guest: Alex Frank, Sustainability Analyst, Office of Sustainability

Alex provided an update on the work of the Sustainability Advisory Council. In defining sustainability in a mission-oriented way at UW-Madison, sustainability unites equity, efficiency, education, and research in service of environmental health for all. The advisory council has also developed a new framework for sustainability leadership, looking at the areas of culture, practice, and purpose. Advancement in culture means making principles of sustainability part of our daily interactions, operations, and decision-making. Advancement in purpose means elevating sustainability as a discipline via interdisciplinary research and expanded learning opportunities. Advancement in practice involves “walking the talk,” with policies, procedures, and systems that build a sustainable university. Having these frameworks and priorities defined will help the university work toward a platinum STARS rating. Currently the university has a silver STARS rating and continues to meet commitments through the UW Zero Waste program as well as the Resilience Commitment. There are a number of ways to get involved by staying up to date via the Office’s communication channels, engaging with its various programs for collaboration, and engaging with your teams directly on these issues. The Provost and the Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration have both been supportive. The Office of Sustainability is in the process of a “road show” to discuss how some of these priorities can be further implemented.

Guests: Patrick Sheehan, Interim Chief Human Resources Officer; and Karen Massetti-Moran, Director of Total Rewards, Office of Human Resources

OHR is continuing to work on issue resolution with respect to TTC. Regarding the TTC appeals process, there are discussions about how best to support that process for all involved. In preparation of the training for those serving on the Stage 4 appeals panels, OHR has been working to create resources on mapping, as well as on issues related to supervisory duties. ASEC expressed concern over long-term questions regarding changes to titles and standard job descriptions (SJDs) as the market changes over time. OHR should be evaluating SJD changes for individuals in context with others doing the same job. Additionally, they have advised the HR community that trends in appeal outcomes may inform other necessary adjustments.

ASEC discussed questions about individuals being put into the wrong positions. There are ongoing concerns about some areas (e.g. research administration) where title assignments in one school/college/division are having downstream impacts to other schools/colleges/divisions. There have also been challenges for supervisors working with local HR to determine the right SJD in order to post for vacant positions.

As new titles are added to the SJD library due to additional review, there are rolling deadlines for the appeals process with respect to those select titles. Those deadlines are posted on the TTC website. OHR has also published a job aid with best practices for supervisors and employees to support aligning the responsibilities in their position descriptions with performance review conversations.

Guest: John Zumbrunnen, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning

Vice Provost Zumbrunnen reported on the expiration of the mask mandate as relates to instruction. Leading up to spring break, there was anxiety on the part of instructors. There has been very little feedback on mask issues since that time, from both instructors and students. Both his office and Student Affairs are hearing that students have been respectful of individual masking requests on the part of instructors.

As of July 1, 2021, the Collaborative for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching became the Division of Teaching and Learning (DTL). Sarah Barber was hired in February as Assistant Vice Provost and Chief of Staff for the division, and she will be helping with the continuing development of structure, processes, and culture in the division. Effective July 1, 2022, the Morgridge Center will be moving to the Division of Teaching and Learning, bringing its tradition of community-based learning to the division. This move will also afford the center new opportunities for networking and connection with students. The Greater University Tutoring Service (GUTS) is also moving to DTL. GUTS is funded by student fees through ASM and will work alongside career services through the Office of Undergraduate Advising. This dove tails with other work that Advising is doing to connect with learning support centers across campus.

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Mentoring (CTLM) is now almost ten months old. It consists of a series of different functional groups, including the beginnings of a group on diversity, equity, and inclusion. The organization was put together quickly, which poses some challenges. CTLM is in the process of implementing a CRM tool to monitor and track relationships with instructors across campus. CTLM also launched Teaching@UW workshops with hundreds of individuals participating. The instructional design team will have launched or relaunched 75 online courses by the end of spring. Other longer-term accomplishments involve partnerships underway with schools/colleges/divisions, such as curricular consultation for the School of Veterinary Medicine, the School of Nursing and the clinical space, and beginning conversations on supporting TA training and inclusive teaching practices. CTLM is being deliberate in the DEI space and doing self-work before rolling out any initiatives. Alice Traore was recently hired as the interim associate director for diversity. Conversations are ongoing with respect to the mentoring aspect of the center’s mission, which is factoring into the center’s work on its strategic plan.

General Reports

Tim Dalby, ASEC Chair, recently met with the other shared governance chairs. They discussed Wiscards for nontraditional students, administrative burden and wanting to ensure that there is sufficient staffing to address issues, working with department chairs on research professor titles, and campus-wide training on diversity, equity, and inclusion. On the latter topic, Tim, Mallory, Donna, and Jake will also be meeting with the Deans DEI working group in late July to discuss next steps.

Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported on UW System’s intent to launch a survey to students on issues around free speech. The Staff Climate Survey will be launching on April 12. There is a call out for additional liaisons for hostile and intimidating behavior. Volunteers should submit their interest via the Qualtrics survey sent to all employees. Lesley Fisher, Deputy Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported on the TTC Appeals training session. The session was largely devoted to navigating the SJD library, with exercises in evaluating titles. This was the first session, and the second, which is tentatively scheduled for May, will have more logistical information. TTC appeals for those titles submitted by the original deadline will be completed this year, although appeals involving new titles may extend into 2023.


·       April Assembly Prep

Donna Cole will plan to move approval of the Resolution on an Accessible and Inclusive Campus

·       May Assembly Meeting Agenda

ASEC reviewed an initial draft of the May meeting agenda. The Office of Sustainability is confirmed to present, and Jake will send an invitation to Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education Steve Ackerman and Graduate School Dean Bill Karpus for an update on the research enterprise and graduate education.

·       Briefing Materials for New Chancellor

ASEC reviewed the document and Jake will bring back an updated version for the committee to discuss at the April 21 meeting. The intent is to finalize the document by May 1.

·       Topics for Guests

Provost: free speech survey from UW System; looking ahead to initiatives in the next year, next steps on call for school/college/division DEI plans; when a decision on testing processes will be reached and how the institution will monitor case counts going forward

OHR: TTC updates, remote work policy

Meeting adjourned at 4:19 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff