Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 04-21-22
Approved 04-28-22
2:00 –
4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 21, 2022
Bascom Hall
Members Present: Donna Cole; Jenny Dahlberg; Tim
Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Shane Hubbard; Stephanie Jones; Mallory Musolf; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler
Guests: Lesley Fisher, Karl Scholz, Patrick
Sheehan, Scott Wildman
The meeting was called to order at 1:57
The minutes of April 7 were
Guest: Patrick Sheehan, Interim
Chief Human Resources Officer
The Chief Human Resources Officers
and the Chief Budget Officers at the various campuses met to discuss next steps
with TTC and conceptualizing strategies for addressing compensation issues for
the other campuses. Madison continues to work on its own strategies for
addressing compensation.
The latest TTC appeals stats were
shared, with 47 approved for academic staff and 83 either pending denied or
pending review. OHR is also addressing staffing issues that will impact the
timeline for keeping the appeals process moving forward.
Salary data was shared through an
open records request, and there have been some individual questions sent to
OHR. OHR is proposing to review equity in thirds over a rolling three-year
period, working with data from CUPA and Willis Towers Watson, which will allow
for ongoing adjustment of salary ranges and structural changes over time to
raise salary maxima and to consider how pay plan implementation will work for
those over the maxima. OHR is also having conversations about how data might be
presented going forward, given limitations on what can be shared due to
antitrust regulations.
ASEC had inquired about additional
resources for career counseling for staff. This is part of OHR’s budget
conversations with the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. The hope
is to reduce the backlog that exists currently and to create a resource through
the Office of Learning and Talent Development that is employee-focused.
On the topic of manager/supervisor
training, OHR is exploring potential opportunities in this space. Lynn Freeman
and Patrick will attend a future ASEC meeting to talk about how these
opportunities might work, including better support for managers/supervisors. It
will be important to have the same metrics as with other trainings (e.g. surveys, 6-month follow-ups), as well as opportunities
in other areas like performance management and bystander training. There is the
question of whether training will be mandatory. While there has been evolution
on this notion over time, in areas such as performance evaluation and sexual
harassment/sexual violence training, there are still a number
of conversations to have, including with faculty, on this topic.
OHR continues to evaluate what is
working well and what isn’t as relates to the remote work policy. There has
been feedback about the clarity of the policy and whether to be more or less prescriptive. OHR is also conscious of this as
a driver of recruitment and retention considerations.
Guest: Karl Scholz, Provost
Provost Scholz discussed the recent
survey on student free speech that was announced by UW System. The survey is on
hold until the fall. The student climate survey from last fall has key
questions about whether or not students are being
treated with respect, whether they feel as though they belong, whether they
feel stifled in class, etc. Survey fatigue is also a concern.
Looking to initiatives in the
coming year, Provost Scholz expressed confidence in resources being available
to address pay for staff. The Administrative Transformation Program is
continuing to move along, and it is important to get this right, not only to
streamline systems but also to see how it will allow us to do things that we
haven’t done before. It will be important to eliminate shadow systems where possible
and also to serve as a catalyst for redesigning some
On the question of next steps for
school/college/division plans for diversity, equity, and inclusion, the Provost Office is looking at a likely deadline of August 1
for those to be submitted. The Campus Diversity and Climate Committee has also
done some work in this space.
Regarding COVID testing on campus,
there are still discussions in progress and it is not
certain when a decision will be reached on how testing might look in the next
academic year.
General Reports
Tim Dalby, ASEC Chair, met with
Patrick Sheehan along with Mallory and Jake for their monthly meeting. Much of
what was discussed was covered by Patrick here. Tim and Jake met with Vice
Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs Beth Meyerand to discuss themes from the
latest Academic Staff Chat, as well as other topics, including HIB, funding for
staff salaries, and progress on use of academic staff professorial titles. Tim
will be meeting with the other shared governance chairs on Friday.
Jake Smith, Secretary of the
Academic Staff, reported that Rob Cramer was announced as the permanent Vice
Chancellor for Finance and Administration. This year’s Academic Staff Institute
was well received, and Jake thanked everyone who helped plan the event. The
Academic Staff Excellence Awards Ceremony was held on April 18, and it was a
wonderful event. There will be additional recognition at the May Assembly
meeting. On Tuesday, the last Academic Staff Chat of this academic year was
held on TTC. Regarding the chancellor search, there is a link on the search
website to submit questions for the moderated Q&A sessions for each
finalist, and the deadline to submit questions is April 27. Jake met with
Patrick Sheehan, Beth Meyerand, and Lynn Freeman to discuss next steps on
supervisory training. Patrick and Lynn will visit a future ASEC meeting to
discuss more on this topic. There will be a joint ASPRO/PROFS forum on Thursday,
April 28, discussing implications of the latest state legislative session for
Liaison Reports
Stephanie Elkins reported on updates
from the Wisconsin Public Media CASI’s various subcommittees. The
Communications Committee met with the Eloqua team from DoIT regarding
distribution mechanisms for the academic staff newsletter. The Ad Hoc Committee
for Academic and University Staff Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion met and
discussed how to move forward with its draft report. They are aiming for a
mid-late June meeting with ASEC to present the report.
Donna Cole attended the most recent
meeting of the International Division CASI, which is looking at a chair and
chair-elect model for its structure. At the latest meeting of the SMPH CASI,
Dean Golden attended and discussed DEI initiatives for faculty and staff, as
well as the use of the research professor title, which has been customized to
meet the needs of the School.
Jenny Dahlberg reported that the
shared governance panels for the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
worked well together and had good conversations with all of
the finalists. The School of Veterinary Medicine CASI has been working on ways
to integrate mental health and wellness activities into the School.
The west end CASI working group (SMPH, Pharmacy, Nursing, Vet Med) also met to
talk about what activities they would like to see at a future event for those CASIs.
Mallory Musolf
reported that the shared governance panels have met with two out of the three
finalists for the Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. The
third finalist will visit campus on April 29.
Planning Subcommittee Reports
The DEI subcommittee will schedule
a meeting with Nominating Committee and the SOAS office to discuss next steps
on some initiatives to broaden diversity.
· Discussion
of Briefing Materials for New Chancellor
Chancellor’s office sent a template to use for this document. There are several
priority areas that mirror what ASEC sent to UW System, with some additional
institution-specific priorities. ASEC will finalize the document and send to
the Chancellor’s office by May 6.
· May
Assembly Meeting Agenda
Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education Steve Ackerman and Graduate
School Dean Bill Karpus will present at the May
meeting. ASEC reviewed draft resolutions and will work on them in small working
groups before the next meeting, when the agenda will be finalized.
· Topics
for Guests
update on initiatives that she wanted to accomplish in her last semester, as
well as projects that she hopes will continue after her departure; advice for
working effectively with new UWS President; fostering a relationship with the
new Chancellor and advancing pay for academic staff; thoughts on shared
governance and suggestions for continued/greater effectiveness
initiatives he would like to begin work on now that he’s in the permanent
position; plans for further shared governance participation with ATP and vision
for engagement for other rollouts going forward; timeline for posting/hiring
Chief HR Officer position; thoughts on/vision for next iteration of Campus
Master Plan
Meeting adjourned at 4:24 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff