Relocation Support Approval

Support for relocation expenses for employees may be provided dependent upon availability of funding, review of the criteria listed below, and approval from Associate Dean of Policy, Operations and Stakeholder Engagement. The relocation support is a lump-sum, taxable payment to an employee for relocation costs.

Division of Extension Relocation Request Process

Prior to making an offer to provide a relocation award, the Hiring Authority must:


1.) Review Criteria

Determine whether it is in the best interest of the Division of Extension to provide relocation support. The following circumstances should be considered:

  • Are the individual’s skills in critically short supply? If yes, is payment usually available from competing employers?
  • Is the labor market tight for this particular position?
  • Does the individual rank above all other candidates in a combination of training, experience, and personal qualities?
  • Will the best qualified individual for the position be unable to accept the institution’s offer for financial reasons unless relocation expenses are paid?

2.) Identify Available Funding

In some cases, upon approval of the Associate Dean of Policy Operations, and Stakeholder Engagement, the Dean’s Office may provide funding up to $3,000 for relocation stipends for co-funded county-based educators. In all other cases, funding must be identified within the hiring unit.

3.) Obtain Approval

Obtain approval by completing and submitting the relocation authorization letter to the Associate Dean of Policy, Operations, and Stakeholder Engagement for review, approval and signature. 

Relocation Authorization Letter Template

In completing the letter, please note that relocation payments in the Division of Extension are in the form of a Relocation Award (stipend) and not a direct reimbursement of moving or lodging expenses. 

4.) Process the Approved Relocation Stipend

  1. When approval for relocation expenses is granted, the Associate Dean of Policy, Operations and Stakeholder Engagement will return a copy of the signed approval form back to the Hiring Authority.
  2. The Hiring Authority must send the approved form, PVL number, and name of employee to (cc ASU will use this to process the relocation stipend via payroll. The employee will see the relocation stipend (which is taxable) on their first paycheck. 
  3. The Hiring Authority must provide the relocating employee a copy of the signed approval form.

For further information, see UW-Madison Administrative Policy #3079

Relocation Authorization Letter eTER 
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Nathaniel S. in Extension Handbook
Extension Handbook