REDCap: Making Changes in Production

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Changing Labels

Deleting Fields

Adding Fields

Option List Changes

Calculation Changes

Changing Field Type

Making Changes with
Data Dictionary

When making changes to a project that is in Production via Draft Mode, there are some changes that will need to be reviewed and committed by a REDCap administrator. This is done to help ensure your data is not adversely affected by the changes you're making.  These changes may include deleting data, changing the meaning of the data and not marking fields as identifiers. If a REDCap administrator believes your changes could affect your data adversely, they will contact you to confirm the changes before committing them.

Please use the 'View detailed summary of all drafted changes' link found within the Draft Mode screen to view the changes you are making to your project PRIOR to submitting your changes for review. Any changes noted in RED should be carefully reviewed.

View detailed summary link
Select "View detailed summary of all drafted changes" to review your current changes

Changing Labels

Each field you create has a field label and a unique variable name.  You will not be able to change a variable name once your project is in Production.  You will be able to change a field label, but doing so could result in changing the meaning/intention of the data for that field.

In this example, the label was updated from 'days' to 'weeks'. This can be problematic since any data initially entered for days now means something completely different.  Additionally, since you will not be able to update the variable name it will continue to indicate 'days' and this may cause confusion when exporting your data.

Changing Field Label
Changing the field label may end up changing the meaning of data.  Variable names cannot be changed after project is in Production

Recommended Change:

If your field contains data, you may want to instead create an entirely new field to capture the new data and then use the @HIDDEN action tag to hide the field you will no longer be using. This allows the field and data to remain in your project for reports & exports, but you will no longer see it on data entry pages.

If your field does not contain data and the variable name still makes sense, changing the field label can be acceptable.

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Deleting Fields

When a field is no longer needed within your project, you have the option to delete that field. However, when data has already been entered into that field deleting it would result in data loss.  The only way to retrieve it is to review the project logs and re-enter the data.

In this example, the field 'First Name' has been deleted.  In reviewing the summary of all drafted changes, you can see that this will affect 6 records.

Deleting Field_Review
Deleting a field that contains data will also delete the data causing data loss

Recommended Change:

If your field contains data, you may want to instead use the @HIDDEN action tag to hide the field you will no longer be using. This allows the field and data to remain in your project for reports & exports, but you will no longer see it on data entry pages.

  • To 'undo' the field deletion, you will need to re-create that field. Your project codebook (found under the Project Home and Design section) will list all fields in your project - including the one you had planned to delete. You can re-enter a new field and use the same variable name you previously had. 
  • The other option is to use the 'Remove all drafted changes' link found in the online designer - draft mode area (yellow section). This will remove ALL planned changes. There is no way to accept some changes, but not others.

If your field does not contain data, deleting the field can be acceptable.

Adding New Fields

In most cases, adding a new field will not require approval from a REDCap administrator.  However, any field that the REDCap system believes could be an identifier will require REDCap administrator review before committing the change. For a refresher on what could be considered an identifier, visit our KB page:

To view potential identifiers in your project, there is a link within the Project Setup > Design your data collection instruments & enable your surveys sections.

Checking for identifiers
Use the "Check For Identifiers" tool to mark new fields as identifiers when needed

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Option List Changes

There are several changes that can be made to an option list (radio or checkbox fields), but changing a coded value or renaming an option can lead to data loss or data integrity issues.

Users can assign each option in a list a unique coded value (number or letter), similar to a variable name for the overall field. However, REDCap does allow users to change that coded value which can lead to data issues. When a coded value is changed, any previous data that selected that option is no longer correct.

In this example, the options have been changed so that they would appear alphabetical with "Other" as the last option.  In doing this, several records would be adversely affected.

  • 'Vanilla' (1) selections would now mean 'Chocolate' (1) & 'Chocolate' (2) selections would become 'Cookie Dough' (2), etc. since the coded value has changed.
  • 'Mint' (3) & 'Other' (5) selections would be deleted.
Option List Changes_bad
Changing coded value or label of an option choice could result in data loss or data integrity issues

Recommended Change:

The options will be listed in the order that they appear when building the field.  The number or letter of the coded value doesn't affect the order. To change the order of an option list, just move the label AND option code to a new position.  You can also add new options wherever you'd like - just assign it a new coded value. To remove an option that you no longer need, we recommend using the action tag @HIDECHOICE.

Option List_good changes
Use the @HIDECHOICE action tag to remove a choice that is no longer needed

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Adding or Changing Calculations

Adding or changing calculations in a Production project requires extra steps to update and save the values of the calculated fields.  These values are not updated automatically when the change is approved.

When a calculation field is added or updated in a Production project, the calculations will run and the new values will appear within a form.  However, those values are NOT SAVED yet.  This is indicated in a data entry instrument by red vertical line in the field.

Calculation not saved red bar
A red bar next to a calculated field's value means the current displayed value HAS NOT been saved

Since values are not automatically saved with this update, those values will NOT appear within reports or data export until they are saved.

Options to Update Calculations:

There are two options to save values in a new or updated calculation field.

  1. Navigate to the record and form the calculation is on and then save the form.
    • The red vertical line will disappear indicating the value was saved. 
    • This would need to be done for EACH record and can be time consuming if you have several records and fields to update.

  2. Run Data Quality - Rule H to update several records and calculated values at the same time (See more information below)
    • It is recommended to run this rule after any new or updated calculated fields are added to a project
Data Quality Application
Access Data Quality from the left-side applications menu


Data Quality - Rule H

On the Data Quality page, selecting "Execute" on Rule H will tell you how many calculations need to be updated.  You can select "view" to show a list of all 'Incorrect values for calculated fields', which includes fields where a value could be currently blank, but should have a value. 

Data Quality - Rule H
Select "Execute" on Rule #H to view total number of incorrect calculated values

After reviewing the records and fields that will be updated, you can press 'Fix calcs now'.  This will save EVERY listed field to the new value shown.

Data Quality - Fix Calcs Now button
Select "Fix calcs now" button to update all incorrect calculations in project

WARNING: Pressing the "Fix calcs now" button will update ALL of the values listed.  

Carefully review the list of new values to ensure you want all fields to be updated.  It is recommended to run this rule after any new or updated calculated fields are added to a project so that this list remains short.  If you wish to not update a field, you can press the 'exclude' button. This exclusion will remain until someone removes it.

Exclude button
Select "exclude" for any fields that should NOT be updated

Data Quality Rule H will work for both numerical calculation fields and for fields using calculation Action Tags such as @CALCTEXT. or @CALCDATE.

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Changing Field Type

Changing a field type that already has data in it can be problematic.  Some field types require data to be collected in a specific way - like an option list retains the coded value of an option (not the label), and a text field captures anything that is entered. It is recommended that field types only be changed in no data has been entered into them.

Yes = Changes should not affect data    No = Changes will affect data    No = Change may affect data

Types of changes and their impacts on data
Changing to....
Text Notes Calculation

Multiple Choice
(Radio or Dropdown)

Checkboxes Yes - No True - False
Initial Field Type Text   Yes No No No No No
Notes   Yes No No No No No
Calculation   No No No No No No
Multiple Choice  
(Radio or Dropdown)  
No No No Yes No No
Checkboxes   No No No No No No
Yes - No  
(coded 1, 0)  
No No No No No Yes
True - False  
(coded 1, 0)  
No No No No No Yes

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Making Changes using the Data Dictionary

Project changes can also be made using the Data Dictionary. The Data Dictionary is a specifically formatted CSV file that allows you to construct your project fields and afterward upload the file to apply the changes to your project.  The current Data Dictionary can be downloaded and modified to change, delete, or add fields. 

During Development these changes will be applied automatically, but once your project is in Production the changes will appear as Draft changes that will need to be submitted and reviewed before they become available. 

Data Dictionary Upload Page
Data Dictionary Page and Upload Options

Precautions when using the Data Dictionary for Project Changes

  • The Data Dictionary is a copy of ALL fields within the project.  Uploading a copy of the Data Dictionary that does not include all instruments or fields will result in those fields being removed from the project
  • Changing instrument names using the Data Dictionary in longitudinal projects may result in data being orphaned or lost in the project.  Renaming instruments should only be done using the built-in REDCap renaming tool found in the Online Designer. 

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REDCap, Production, Change, Changes, Draft Mode, Change, Option List 
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Amy S. in SMPH Research Informatics
SMPH Research Informatics , SMPH Research Informatics TEST