SIS/Advisor Assign - Adding a Student Advisor

This document outlines the process for adding an advisor to a student's record.

Note: Most advisor updates for Undergraduate students happen at the time of major/certificate declaration or cancellation via the SIS Major/Certificates Requests or Update Academic Program pages. The SIS Student Advisor page is used to assign auxiliary advisors (such as Career, PEOPLE, Athletics, etc) or to change an advisor during periods of staff transition.

If you have a consistent mass change (e.g. replace advisor X with advisor Y), or other changes, see automated options on the Office of the Registrar's website.

Add an Advisor

To add an advisor to a student's record, follow the steps below.

Step 1

From Home, select: Student Records WorkCenter, Student Advisor. The Find page will display.

Tip: Menu navigation: > Records and Enrollment > Student Background Information > Student Advisor

Step 2

Locate the student's record by entering their Campus ID number in the "Campus ID" field. Other search fields can be used, but Campus ID is the value you're most likely to know and its use will ensure you're accessing the correct student record.

The student's information will display on the Student Advisor page.

Select "Search."

Step 3

Select the Student Advisor page tab.

SIS Student Advisor Page, on effective date there is note that When updating, if date is prior to today, change to today's date, there is also a note next to the plus and minus that states View and Add new advisor rows here

Step 4

Depending on the student's advisor record, follow the appropriate process.

If the Academic Advisor or Committee field is filled in with existing information:

  • If the Effective Date is prior to today, change Effective Date to today's date. If it a future date, leave the Effective Date as is.
  • Go to the last row and select the Add button next to Advisor Number.
  • Follow the 'Is Blank' procedure.

If the Academic Advisor and Committee field is blank:

Complete all the fields as advised in the Field Descriptions.

  • Academic Institution: UWMSN
  • Effective Date: Today's date or the first day of the next term
  • Advisor Role: 'Academic' (default), or select appropriate auxiliary Advisor Role
  • Academic Career
  • Academic Program
  • Academic Plan
    • If 'Academic,' assign Plan. If not 'Academic,' leave Plan blank.
  • Academic Advisor, for specific advisor, or
    • check Advised by Committee, and
    • select predefined Committee


  • If the correct Academic Program, Plan, or Committee does not appear in the magnifying glass look up prompts with today's date, change the Effective Date to start of the next term. Term Begin and End Dates can be found using the following navigation: Student Records WorkCenter > Dean/Dept Processing > Session Dates and Deadlines
  • If the correct Program or Plan still does not appear, the changes may not have been processed yet or the Major Declaration may not have been submitted. You can check using the following navigation: Student Records WorkCenter > Major Dec History or see "Verifying a Student's Declared Major" to research effective date of most active program/plan.
  • Contact Debbie Moy at to activate advisor or create committee.

Step 5

Select [Save]. The advisor is saved to the student's record.

Tip: Use the Advisor Audit tab to view changes that were made and who made them.

add, degree (degrees, degree planner), plan (plans, planner), record (records), sis (SIS) 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Paul O. in Office of the Registrar
Office of the Registrar