Extension Building - Facility Policies & Procedures

Extension employees and other tenant groups in the Extension Building (432 N Lake St) should refer to the following building policies and procedures.

Building Hours and Access

Wiscard Access

  • The Extension Building is currently and indefinitely, Wiscard-access only. When you have a new employee starting, please email Rachael Reis (rachael.reis@wisc.edu) with that person’s Wiscard number. Until that person has an activated Wiscard, their department will need to manage getting the person in the building. As such, when an employee is new to campus, getting a Wiscard should be one of the tasks completed in their first days. Information for obtaining a Wiscard can be found on Wiscard - How to get your Wiscard.
  • When you have an employee leave their role at the Extension Building, please email that person’s name to rachael.reis@wisc.edu so she can have access removed.

Access Problems

  • During regular working hours, if you become locked out of your office, you can see Rachael Reis for re-entry. If she is not there, you may try Lisa Brennan.
  • If you lock yourself out of your office after hours, please contact UW PD at 608-264-2677.
  • NOTE: Rachael does not have keys for InterPro spaces. Please contact michael.hutchinson@wisc.edu


  • When a staff member leaves their role in the Extension Building, please gather their building keys and return them to Rachael Reis. 
  • When an incoming staff member has a start date, please work with Rachael Reis to acquire room keys prior to their start.
  • Keys for InterPro spaces should be organized through Michael Hutchinson at michael.hutchinson@wisc.edu.

Building Common Areas

Meeting Rooms

  • Please follow procedures for reserving meeting/shared spaces. An invite must be sent to the correlating calendar to secure a reservation.
  • All building occupants need to share in the care of the building common areas. If you use a meeting room, please make sure it is cleaned up after you are finished.
  • Please do not take seating from common areas.

Rest Rooms

  • If a bathroom runs out of a paper good, the quickest way to have it replenished is to put a note on the dispenser or door, and custodial staff will see it during their shift.
  • If there is a larger maintenance problem that needs Physical Plant attention (or if supplies have not been replenished after leaving a note in the bathroom), please reach out to rachael.reis@wisc.edu. If Rachael Reis is not available and it is urgent, you may call Physical Plant at 608-263-3333.
  • InterPro staff may reach out to Michael Hutchinson at michael.hutchinson@wisc.edu.

Hallways and Basement

  • Please do not leave items in the hallway. If you have a need to do so temporarily, please let Rachael Reis know.
  • Please do not place items in the basement, outside the elevators.
  • If you have SWAP items, please connect with Rachael Reis (for Extension Staff). For InterPro staff, please connect with Michael Hutchinson at michael.hutchinson@wisc.edu.
  • If you have larger items to be recycled or thrown away (Example: Boxes) please place those near the large trash and recycle containers near the elevators of your floor. Custodial staff will know they need to be taken. NOTE: Any items that get plugged in, cannot be thrown in the garbage. They must be recycled/disposed of, through SWAP.
  • If you see a larger black cart/dumpster, please do not add items without prior communication with the unit that requested it. They are requested specifically for recycling or garbage. Also, as stated above, items that have plugs, cannot be thrown away.

Lactation Room

  • Room 503 is a reservable space available for parents. This space can be reserved with the same process as other reservable spaces in the building, described in the Extension Building - Reservable Spaces article. 
  • This space may be left unlocked when not in use, and it may be locked from the inside during use. A key may be picked up in room 521 if needed. 

SWAP (Surplus With A Purpose)

  • We use UW SWAP where possible for any reusable, repairable, and certain salvageable surplus items. In general, all electronics, all computers, or IT equipment and supplies should be sent to SWAP.
  • Other items, including office furniture, appliances that are clean as well as relatively new, and office supplies can also be given a second life through UW SWAP
  • Broken furniture, older appliances, batteries, and anything else can not generally be sent to UW SWAP, and instead must be disposed of.
  • Please contact Tony Roman for instructions on where to drop off any electronic items or computers which should be sent to SWAP. For furniture or office supplies, please reach out to Rachael Reis for assistance. 


  • Do not park in the loading dock area on the north side of the building or reserved stalls on the west side of the building. These areas are actively monitored and subject to towing. 
  • Parking for building occupants should be acquired through the UW Campus Transportation Office.


  • Central Campus makes one delivery and pick up for mail, around 10:45am. It is up to the building to sort it into the mailboxes located in the mailroom by the loading dock. Please feel free to sort the mail if you see it is on the table in front of the mailboxes.
  • Groups are responsible for gathering their own mail from the mailboxes. Incoming packages are set on the table labeled incoming packages, or on the loading dock depending on size.
  • Outgoing USPS or UPS should be placed in the red bin under the mailboxes labeled outgoing mail. It should be clearly labeled with your funding for the mail charges. FedEX does not pick up from the building. If you have a FedEx outgoing package, you need to take it to a drop off. If you have time sensitive mailings or outgoing packages, it is up to the employee to ensure it gets sent either at the post office across the street (could use a p-card or personal card and get reimbursed) or dropped at UPS or FedEx locations.
  • Fed Ex does not have the same type of badge as other delivery companies and therefore has to be let into the building. The current procedure is that the FedEx driver will call Rachael Reis when needing to gain entrance. If you are expecting a delivery via FedEx, it would be advised to track it. There is not a guarantee that Rachael will be in the day of a FedEx delivery and therefore, having a back up plan for those expecting packages, is advised.
  • Specific mail questions should be directed to bryan.summ@wisc.edu

Animals in the Building (All Building Tenants)

  • Per state rules, all animals are prohibited in university buildings except for police and service animals.
  • If you have a staff member with a service animal, please let Rachael know.

Bicycles in the Building (All Building Tenants)

Per state rules, no person may park or store a bicycle in buildings, on sidewalks or driveways or in motor vehicle parking spaces, except in areas designated for that purpose in bicycle racks.

WiscAlerts (All Building Tenants)

It is advised that building tenants sign up to receive WiscAlerts from UW PD. Messages include safety concerns in the area and can be more timely than a building-wide email when necessary.

General Building Policies & Procedures (All Building Tenants)

  • Do not disturb the ceiling. All ceilings have either had abatement or have been encapsulated to contain asbestos fibers. For safety reasons, do not hang anything from the ceiling or disturb it with push pins, plant hooks, etc.
  • Offices are cleaned once a week by custodial staff.
  • Employees are responsible for watering their own plants.
  • Smoking is prohibited in all University buildings, facilities or vehicles. Smoking is not permitted near exits and entrances of building except at a distance of 25 feet or more (or unless otherwise designated.) If smoking outside the building, please stay away from air intake vents as it can transport the fumes throughout the building.

Get Help

Questions? Contact rachael.reis@wisc.edu

Wiscard Access Key Meeting Rooms Rest Paper Product Hallways Basement Parking Mail UPS USPS FedEX Animals Bicycles WiscAlerts Smoking 432 North Lake Street 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Rachael R. in Extension Handbook
Extension Handbook