SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Class Associations
- When you create a section, you have to include an appropriate Associated Class number.
- Multiple options exist for setting up courses and auto enrolls.
- Each unique enrollment package must have its own association number. Usually the Associated Class number matches the Class Section number (omitting any leading zeros). However, as shown below, use 9999 for Range 1 components associated with multiple Range 2 components. For example, if a lecture is associated with multiple discussion sections, the lecture should have the Associated Class number 9999 and each discussion should have a unique Associated Class number.
- Below are common examples of course set-ups. This is not an exhaustive list, so please contact your Curricular Services representative with any questions or any scenarios not listed here.
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Table of Contents
- Lecture Only
- One Lecture with Multiple Required Discussions
- One-to-One Correlation between Lectures and Discussions
- One Lecture with Multiple Discussions and Labs
- Multiple Lectures with Choice of Required Discussions
- Lecture with Choice of Optional Discussions
Lecture Only
- The lecture section number and association number must match (i.e. LEC 001 and Assoc. 1).
- The lecture is the enrollment and graded component.
- Any lecture could be honors.

This setup is shown in the example below for Math 113:

One Lecture with Multiple Required Discussions
- Discussions are required.
- Discussions are the enrollment component and the graded component.
- Discussions auto-enroll into the lecture.
- The lecture association number must be 9999.
- The discussion section number and association number must match (i.e. DIS 301 and Assoc. 301).
- Any discussion could be honors.
This example is displayed in the course below. Students select their discussion, which auto enrolls into Lecture 001:

One-to-One Correlation between Lectures and Discussions
- Lecture is the graded component.
- Discussion is required.
- Discussion is the enrollment component.
- The discussion section number and association number must match (i.e. DIS 301 and Assoc. 301). The association number must also be the same for the corresponding lecture (i.e. LEC 001 and Assoc. 301).
- Any discussion/lecture package could be honors.
The course below is an example of five different Discussions which auto-enroll into five different (and specified) Lectures:

One Lecture with Multiple Discussions and Labs
- Discussions and labs are required.
- Lab is the enrollment component and the graded component.
- Labs auto-enroll into discussions and lecture.
- The lab section number and association number must match (i.e. LAB 601 and Assoc. 601). The association number must also be the same for the corresponding discussion (i.e. DIS 301 and Assoc. 601).
- The lecture association number must be 9999.
- Any enrollment package could be honors

An example of this is Chemistry 115, where the enrollment section is the Lab, which auto-enrolls into a Discussion, and then Lecture 001:

Multiple Lectures with Choice of Required Discussions
- Discussions and lectures are required.
- Discussions are the enrollment component and the graded component.
- There is no auto-enroll.
- Discussion section number and association number must match (i.e. DIS 301 and Assoc. 301).
- Lecture association number must be 9999.
- Any discussion could be honors.
- The enrollment system will prompt the student to select the additional required component (i.e. lecture).
An example of this is Anthropology 100, where students enroll in a Discussion and then may choose either Lecture. There are no auto enrolls:

Lecture with Choice of Optional Discussions
- Lecture is the enrollment component and the graded component.
- Discussion is optional.
- Any discussion may be made honors*.
- The association number on the lecture and discussion sections must match.
- The enrollment system will prompt the student to select the additional optional component.
- Lecture and discussions must have the same association.

*If the honors component is optional, then the entire course will need to be available for Honors Optional, as seen on Class Associations - Class Components tab. Use a Class Note on the Notes tab of Maintain Schedule of Classes page to notify students of the honors status and what components are required. See also: SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Adding Honors Designation