GrazeScape Accessibility and Usability Information
GrazeScape is developed for extension agents, agricultural planners, and potentially farmers to predict how management decisions on an individual farm impact things like yield, profitability, and ecological outcomes (i.e. soil erosion).
Get help
Contact the Wisconsin Energy Institute Help Desk for assistance or to report an accessibility or usability barrier.
Accessibility and usability barriers
The following information is provided to help people with disabilities know what potential barriers may exist.
Lack of textual alternatives to highly interactive map features may cause difficulties for users who are navigating via keyboard navigation or screen reader, such as people who have motor disabilities or who are blind
The main activity in this web app is an interactive map tool. There is currently no way to access the tools or other information in the map via keyboard or screen reader, and no text alternatives to deliver the same information or planning capacity through this application.
Low contrast elements may cause difficulties for users who are low vision or who have color blindness
There are several elements within the application, including focus indicators and map overlays, that do not meet the contrast levels required for full web accessibility compliance and may be difficult for some users to perceive.
Magnification barriers may cause difficulties for users who magnify the screen, such as people who are low vision
When the browser is magnified at or above 175%, some tools and features of the interactive map are pushed off of the screen and are no longer accessible to the user.