Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 06-09-22

Approved 06-23-22

ASEC Minutes

1:55 – 4:15 p.m. Thursday, June 9, 2022

260 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Donna Cole, Jenny Dahlberg; Tim Dalby, chair; Shane Hubbard; Mallory Musolf; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler

Guests: Alissa Ewer, Lesley Fisher, Lynn Freeman, Jessica Karls-Ruplinger, Faye Lux, Albert Muniz, Paul Seitz, Patrick Sheehan, Scott Wildman

The meeting was called to order at 1:57 p.m.

The minutes of May 26 were approved.

Guest: Paul Seitz, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

Paul met with ASEC to discuss the results of the Administrative Quality Satisfaction Survey. He is in the process of meeting with the executive team as well as other governance groups. It is expected that the survey will go out on a biennial basis. The survey measures satisfaction with a number of administrative services. The categories of services are defined in conjunction with a consortium of institutions looking at the same data. Development is not included, since UW Foundation is a separate entity. The survey results will help guide priorities for staff training and development and will also provide benchmarking data for the Administrative Transformation Program. The survey combined Likert scale questions and qualitative responses, and it was distributed to all of campus, including zero-dollar appointees, clinical employees, and those with emerit status. There were 25,000 qualitative responses from 3,500 unique respondents, which constituted an 18% response rate. The average satisfaction rating was 3.85 out of a possible 5. There will also be analyses linking themes from this survey to the climate surveys for students, staff, and faculty. The survey focused on general administration, human resources, communications, information technology, facilities, research administration, finance, and student services. Notable themes included similar overall satisfaction scores across the eight areas, as well as dissatisfaction with administrative initiatives like TTC and ShopUW+ implementations. Local functions scored slightly higher than central functions. ASEC asked how expenditures in these areas compared to Big 10 peers, and the degree to which there is crossover between categories. Paul offered to return to ASEC with more granular information and responses to any additional questions that ASEC had.

Guests: Patrick Sheehan, Interim Chief Human Resources Officer, and Lynn Freeman, Chief Employee Learning Officer, Office of Human Resources

Patrick has been looking carefully at initiatives within Learning and Talent Development to position UW further as an employer of choice, both with respect to recruitment as well as retention and development of existing talent.

Patrick and Lynn reported on efforts within OHR around supervisory training and development. They are working on building out a team resilience initiative for managers, which would be a combination of synchronous and asynchronous engagement. They are also looking at a cohort model for faculty who supervise, which is in an exploratory phase. There are also discussions about an executive leadership development program, as well as additional opportunities for coaching and communities of practice. This would be co-led by someone from executive leadership. OHR is also looking at succession planning. ASEC provided feedback on incentivizing professional development opportunities for academic staff. ASEC encouraged OHR to think critically about how the training would be implemented for principal investigators, as well as how to leverage existing opportunities afforded by the research mentor training resources that the campus already provides. Conflict management and performance management need to be addressed as broadly as possible.

OHR also emphasized that training cannot accomplish everything and that ASEC and academic staff governance can think about how they can help in shifting culture in these areas. ASEC also provided feedback on supervisors’ ability to provide support and resources for mental health or other personal issues.

General Reports

Tim Dalby, ASEC Chair, met with the other shared governance chairs on June 3. Concerns were shared about the status of the Zoe Bayliss Cooperative as well as some affinity houses. ASM is also looking into emergency housing for those who may have suffered violence but don’t want to file a Title IX complaint. Tim discussed issues around nontraditional students obtaining Wiscards.

Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff, discussed increased visibility and process around campus mentoring awards with Vice Provost John Zumbrunnen. They will be collaborating with others to formalize and more broadly communicate these awards to campus. Jake attended the public finalist presentation for the Director of Wisconsin Public Media. That decision should be made in the coming weeks. Jake, Heather Daniels, and Jessica Karls-Ruplinger met to discuss ways to clarify and improve the emerit policy, as well as integrate the results of the faculty resolution to retitle emeritus to emerit, in order to be more gender inclusive.

Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to Discuss Nominations for ASEC Chair and Vice Chair (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.

Motion to Reconvene in Open Session (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.


·       Nominations – for vote

Mallory Musolf was elected ASEC Chair for July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. Donna Cole was elected ASEC Vice Chair for July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023.

·       Academic Staff Chat Topics

ASEC brainstormed on topics for the 2022-23 Academic Staff Chat series. There will be 6-8 chats over the coming year. Some will be held in-person, and some will be held virtually. Jake will work on finalizing the topics in conjunction with the Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs.

·       Topics for Guests

VCSA: Wiscard update; evaluation of the success of the reorganization; topics from chairs meeting, student services given high anticipated enrollment numbers for several years; takeaways from student climate survey; food security

Meeting adjourned at 4:14 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff

KeywordsASEC Minutes   Doc ID119278
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2022-06-24 11:38:19Updated2022-06-24 11:41:02
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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