Academic Staff Mentoring Committee Agenda 07-08-22


Academic Staff Mentoring Committee

Friday, July 8, 2022, 9:00-10:00 am 

Microsoft Teams


9:00 am – 9:15 am: Welcome, introductions, & meeting minutes volunteer

·         Welcome new members: Liza Chang, Tarakee Jackson, Alissa Oleck, and Peter Kinsley

9:15 am – 9:20 am: Approve Meeting Minutes (May)

9:20 am – 9:25 am: Meeting day/time (second Friday from 9-10 am)

9:25 am – 9:30 am: Chair/co-chairs and sub-committees

·         To Do

o   Independently review: ASMC Recurring Tasks.docx, KB Instructions for Minutes and Agenda.docx, ASMC Mentor Match Program Flyer.pdf

o   Start to get familiar with the Website and the other ASMC resources in Box

o   Think about nominating someone or yourself to chair/co-chair

9:30 am – 9:40 am: Events Sub-Committee

·         2021-22 Year-end evaluation results:

·         Tentative: Refine the new Event Planning Resources folder and add to the Fall Kickoff Event Details

9:40 am – 9:50 am: Mentor-Mentee Match Sub-Committee

·         Survey updates for 2022

o   Mentor Survey:

o   Mentee Survey:

·         Recruitment e-mail

o   Draft

o   When to send out

·         Justin working on matching section of recurring tasks document:

9:50 am – 10:00 am: Resources Sub-Committee (Peter, Vanessa)

·         Discuss Webpage updates and new document

o   Campus and Career Resources

o   See Kendra’s proposal in teams

·         Review new testimonials from year-end evaluation and submit suggested webpage edits to SOAS for updating

·         LinkedIn

o   Create a new LinkedIn post schedule and ask members to sign up for dates

·         FYI: Mentoring Committee Page on SOAS Site

o   All committees now have separate pages on the committees website
Mentoring Committee:

o   Ask for photos of committee members (optional) email to Lesley Fisher <>

10:00 am Adjourn


Next ASMC meeting: August 12?


ASMC Members:

Carmen Juniper Neimeko (thru 6/2023)

Justin Sena (thru 6/2023)

Alex Stark (thru 6/2023)

Peter Kinsley (thru 6/2024)

Kendra Gurnee (thru 6/2024) 

Vanessa Taulbee (thru 6/2024)

Liza Chang (thru 6/2025)

Tarakee Jackson (thru 6/2025)

Alissa Oleck (thru 6/2025)

Mentoring Agenda 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff