Odana - Remote Desktop Connection
Odana is a virtual server that is running on our VMWare infrastructure. It was setup and configured in the same way as Stats1 such that it is domain-joined to our emulated AD farm and uses our emulated AD for authentication. This machine was setup for the Murtaza Lab so that they can use some Windows-only programs. Follow the steps below to connect to Odana.
GlobalProtect is installed and configured with SMPH VPN. GlobalProtect should already be installed on your DOS-supported computer. If not, see the help articles below for how to install the client:
Install Windows - https://kb.wisc.edu/helpdesk/page.php?id=91915
Install MacOS - https://kb.wisc.edu/helpdesk/84819
For instructions on how to configure the client with SMPH VPN, see the instructions here:
Note: Only users who are in the GSX_MURTAZALAB or SUPPORT_STAFF groups will be able to initiate remote sessions with this machine.
Step-by-step guide
Steps if you are on a supported workstation
- Verify that you are connected to the SMPH VPN network via GlobalProtect on your computer. See this articles above for details on how to install and connect.
- Open your Remote Desktop Connection client.
- On Windows, search for "Remote Desktop Connection" in your search bar or go to Start → Windows Accessories → Remote Desktop Connection
- On MacOS, open your Microsoft Remote Desktop app you downloaded from the App Store
- Type in "odana.surgery.wisc.edu" and click Connect
- Type in your Surgery username preceded by dos\ (e.g. dos\brown) and your Surgery password
- If the Remote Desktop client auto-populates your local username, click on "More Choices" and then "Use a Different Account" to provide your credentials
- The remote desktop session will launch and you should be able to reach everything on Odana like normal.
- Be sure to "Log off" from Odana when you are done working
Steps if you are in a Citrix Session (If possible, please go through the steps above before attempting to connect via Citrix)
- Login to Surgery Remote with your Surgery credentials - https://remote.surgery.wisc.edu
- Locate the "Remote Desktop" icon and click it to initiate a RDP session via Citrix
- Follow steps 3-5 above.
- Be sure to "Log off" from Odana when you are done working
Notes on functionality
- Odana should automatically map your network drives according to the permissions given to your Surgery account. If you do not see network drives, please contact the Surgery Help Desk.
- There are several programs already installed including MS Office 2021, Google Chrome, and several scientific programs provided by the Murtaza Lab staff. If you need any additional installations, please send a request to help@surgery.wisc.edu with the specified software request.
- Please do not save any documents on the local (C:\) drive. There is insufficient space for long-term storage. Instead, please use the mapped network drives for any/all file storage.