Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 08-18-22

Approved 08-25-22

ASEC Minutes

2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, August 18, 2022

260 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Donna Cole; Tim Dalby; Alissa Ewer; Julie Johnson; Mallory Musolf, chair; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron

Guests: Elizabeth Covington, Lesley Fisher, Karen Massetti-Moran, Anna Vembu Julian, Scott Wildman

The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m.

The minutes of August 18 were approved.

General Reports

Mallory Musolf, ASEC Chair, reported that she, Donna, Tim, and Jake met with Patrick Sheehan on August 17 to discuss efforts in progress by the Office of Human Resources to address issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion with respect to staff. This conversation was connected to ongoing work between these ASEC members and a group of deans looking at these issues.

Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported that a call will be going out the week of August 22 for academic staff interested in serving on the search and screen committee for the next Dean of the International Division. Albert, Julie, and Lindsey met with Jake and Lesley to discuss a possible resolution on morale. The group agreed that it would be best to move forward on potential components of that draft as separate resolutions depending on priority throughout the year. Jake, Lesley, and Lindsey met with Teri Stratton from the Office of Child Care and Family Resources to continue discussions about a child care scholarship program for academic staff. Discussions were around next steps with respect to criteria for review of applications and how funds might be raised. Mallory, Donna, and Jake will be meeting with UW System President Jay Rothman on August 31 as part of his tour of UW-Madison.

Liaison Reports

Donna Cole attended the recent meeting of the SMPH CASI, where the group had a conversation regarding potential future membership and engagement with academic staff in the School.

Alissa Ewer reported on the most recent meeting of the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee. The committee reviewed a draft of its annual report to be submitted to the Assembly, and Cori Splain and Elizabeth Tuschen were re-elected as the committee’s co-chairs.


·       ASEC Priorities Discussion

ASEC had an initial discussion on priorities for the year. ASEC members agreed that the subcommittee model that was used last year worked well, and that efforts related to support for CASIs and forward movement on diversity, equity, and inclusion should continue. ASEC brainstormed other possibilities and will return to this topic after hearing from Chancellor Mnookin at their meeting next week.

·       Discussion on Report of Ad Hoc Committee on Academic and University Staff Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

ASEC reviewed the draft report of the ad hoc committee. ASEC offered a couple of points of feedback for the committee and was generally in favor of the document overall.

·       September Assembly Meeting Agenda

Vice Chancellor Rob Cramer will be presenting at the September Assembly meeting. Jake will be checking with the co-chairs of the Ad Hoc Committee on Academic and University Staff Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to see if they will be available to present their report to the Assembly as well.

·       Updates to Campus Emerit Policy

ASEC reviewed the revisions that have been proposed for the campus emerit policy in the Office of Human Resources. The procedure for obtaining emerit status has been removed from the policy per Policy Library guidelines, and the definitions have been clarified in line with state statute as well as TTC changes. A section has also been added regarding revocation of emerit status. ASEC was generally in favor of the changes and had no further feedback on the revisions.

ASEC recessed at 3:18pm and reconvened the meeting at 3:28pm.

Guest: Karen Massetti-Moran, Director of Total Rewards, Office of Human Resources

Progression is an ongoing topic, particularly in light of supervisors being asked about mechanisms for progression within the context of the performance management process. Due to staffing issues, OHR is not as far along on this as they would like. The compensation strategy team is now fully staffed as of August 1 and working on both the strategy document and data analysis. The team is looking at titles in the library where individuals are in the first quartile for salary and then building models for the unit to recommend a course for progression. The plan is to be able to demonstrate progression models for the HR reps in December. When hiring, the salary administration guidelines can be used to determine when candidates are emerging in that salary grade, established in grade, or advanced in grade to place them in a market-informed range. Based on that, the supervisor can establish first-year competencies that the staff member can use to develop. We also know that we are moving to Workday for our HR systems, which has competencies linked to our PMDP process and our learning management system. Our market data is linked to O*NET, which has KSAs (knowledge/skills/abilities) that translate to competencies. Relating competencies to goals and accomplishments will require additional supervisory engagement. The competencies topic will be discussed with UW System as well, and System is planning to take a proposal to the System Reps for their review. The Office of Human Resources is working on rolling out more resources for supervisors to have conversations with and answer questions from their direct reports on these topics.

Leadership is aware of the issue of funding base increases for academic staff on non-101/104 funds. The deans have raised this concern as well. OHR will need to talk with Research and Sponsored Programs about how escalators are factored into multi-year grants and ensure that budget allocations are used for purposes of increasing compensation. OHR is looking at a 5-year fiscal-year view of different types of salary adjustments, excluding faculty promotions, and looking at those adjustments by 101 and non-101 to see what our existing model is. There is a need to look at this issue both in conjunction with DCF allocations, as well as on an ad hoc basis for equity, parity, retention, and other issues. We also need to do a multi-year regression analysis and need to set up the structure for that.

On the topic of staffing, the compensation team has brought on two new hires in the department and is also getting help from the job rotation program. A posting for an associate director will be going up soon as well, all of which will help the team continue to push these important initiatives forward. There are currently 66 total issues for OHR to get through on the TTC issue log, and OHR is communicating with divisions on TTC appeals that may still be sitting at the school/college/division level.


·       Topics for Guests

Chancellor: discussion around issues raised in briefing document
VCFA: questions on potential uses of UW System reserves that haven’t been allocated to other projects; communication/advocacy with the legislature and UW System around the use of reserves on critical projects; follow-up on conversation from last meeting around ATP governance mechanism; potential impacts of ATP on budget planning/allocation processes?

Meeting adjourned at 4:04 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff