Academic Staff Mentoring Committee Agenda 09-09-22
Academic Staff Mentoring Committee
Friday, September 9, 2022, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Microsoft Teams
9:00 am. – 9:05 am: Welcome, introductions, and selecting
meeting minutes volunteer
Select a meeting minutes volunteer:
9:05 am – 9:10 am: Approve meeting minutes for July and
9:10 am – 9:40 am: Mentor-Mentee Match, status updates
Review the status of the mentor
mentee match survey and next steps
o Review draft
o Confirm the date the survey will be or was sent
Check-in on timeline based off
re-occurring tasks
o August:
§ Annual mentor match program invite
and survey go out to all Academic Staff (sent by SOAS office)
§ Send mentor recruitment e-mail to all prior year program
o September:
§ Deadline for survey.
§ Matching takes place.
o October:
§ Matches notified
9:40 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.:
Events Committee, planning October kickoff meeting
Determine a few action items based of the reoccurring
October: Kickoff
o Determine Kickoff date
o Confirm format
o Propose panel members
Review old survey data
in Box
9:50 am to 10:00 a.m.: Q&A and Open Discussion
10:00 am Adjourn
Next ASMC meeting: October 14, 2022
ASMC Members:
Carmen Juniper (thru 6/2023)
Justin Sena (thru 6/2023)
Alex Stark (thru 6/2023)
Peter Kinsley (thru 6/2024)
Kendra Gurnee (thru 6/2024)
Vanessa Taulbee (thru 6/2024)
Liza Chang (thru 6/2025)
Tarakee Jackson (thru
Alissa Oleck (thru 6/2025)