Noncredit Course Development Process

Note: This is the development process to share with our noncredit partners. Internal steps and details have been omitted.

1) Project Planning Phase (simultaneous to MOU Development)

  1. Noncredit Course Developer receives new course approval from noncredit administration.
  2. Noncredit Course Developer requests Learning Engineer/Media Support
  3. Discovery call between the Learning Engineer (LE) and Course Developer takes place. The Lead Instructor/Subject Matter expert(LI/SME) may be included.
    1. If the LI/SME is not available, a separate call may be offered.
    2. If it is determined that a significant amount of media will be required, an additional meeting with the Course Developer, Instructional Media Producer, and the LI/SME may be scheduled.
  4. Noncredit Course Developer completes MOU and secures instructor, notifies Learning Engineering Group that the MOU is signed and complete, as well as any relevant details/parameters regarding schedule expectations and limitations.
    1. Learning Engineering Group may provide information to the Noncredit Course Developer related to:
      1. Timeline for when instructor will need to be prepared to work with us;
      2. The instructor level of effort in developing the content;
      3. The launch date of the course;
      4. The complexity of the development or consultation effort we have bandwidth to provide;
      5. The timeline for deliverables to be exchanged in the development process (e.g. Instructor provides content to IST/ISD/LE by X date; Development to be complete by X date);
      6. Terms of revisions to be made once draft content is provided in the LMS.

2) Design & Development

  1. Course Development Kickoff meeting is held with the LE and LI/SME to review the course design process and finalize the development schedule.
    1. Begin development of course map
    2. If this course is in a redesign process: Review "Parking Lot" items
  2. Course Pilot with one module of course content is developed.
    1. LI/SME creates Course Pilot/example content (including a lecture segment with example recorded media element(s) to be embedded in the Canvas development site).
    2. LE creates a sample lesson/module/unit in Canvas with actual course content.
    3. LI/SME records a sample video with Instructional Media Producer for the course Pilot.
  3. LE and LI/SME collaborate on completing the full course map.
  4. LE and LI/SME collaborate on building the full course in the LMS utilizing the course map and following the timeline agreement made during the kick-off meeting.
    1. Items can be added to the "parking lot" to be reviewed and addressed during the next design cycle.
  5. LE and LI/SME collaborate on finalizing the full course development by the deadline set for pre-course launch.

3) Pre-Course Launch (30 working days prior to course launch)

  1. Quality Review by Learning Engineering Group.
    1. Issues related to subject matter are addressed in collaboration with the LI/SME.
  2. Final review by LI/SME
  3. Final sign-off by course developer (or others as needed).

4) Launch

  1. LE publishes course
  2. LE notifies Course Developer when course is published
  3. Course Facilitator makes note of items to be added to the "parking lot" to be reviews and addressed during a potential forthcoming design cycle.

5) Post-Course Debrief

  1. LE and Course Developer collaborate on reviewing student & faculty evaluations for opportunities for iterative improvement.
  2. LE and Course Developer prioritize items for iterative improvement based on evaluations.
    1. Prioritized list is added to the "parking lot" items to be reviewed and addressed during a potential forthcoming design cycle.

6) Future Course Offerings

  1. Course Developer received course approval from Noncredit Administration
  2. Course Developer requests LE/Media Support
    1. Maintenance (8 hours or less of Learning Engineering Time)
      1. Within a 3 year period, the Course Developer can request link checks and minimal changes for new offerings of the same course. (Note: This is not a course revision and does not address substantial "parking lot" items)
    2. Revisions (more than 8 hours of Learning Engineering Time)
      1. The revision process mirrors the course development process.

KeywordsDCS LEG lifelong noncredit services online course development process Learning Engineering Group "Lifelong Learning" "Course Development" "Online Learning" "Online Course Development"   Doc ID121786
OwnerOlivia P.GroupLearning Engineering Group
Created2022-10-10 14:05:04Updated2024-05-03 11:06:12
SitesDCS Learning Engineering Group
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