NetIDs for Non-UW Madison Consultants/Collaborators

Collaborators or consultants who work with UW-Madison faculty and staff may need a NetID and authorization to use various campus resources. This document attempts to describe how to best go about doing that.

In the past, we used to just create a Manifest group where we could invite outside collaborators and consultants to join and they would receive a NetID.  The group could also be authorized to use various campus services for which a NetID would be required for authentication.  That method should no longer be used.  You should follow the more "official" method below.  This is done to help ensure that campus is appropriately apportioning various application licenses.

  1. All new consultants and collaborators must now go though division or campus HR to be entered as POI (Person Of Interest) Consultants in the campus HR system.  There is a high-level document division HR can use for this process.  At a minimum, you will want to forward the following to HR.
    1. Full name.
    2. Email address; This can be a personal or corporate email address and is used by HR to contact the consultant and gather other information, and by the system to send self-link information.
    3. There may be other required data elements but HR, not IT, should gather that information for entry into the system.
  2. Once created, the POI record should generate a NetID which can then be used for things such as Duo, WiscVPN, and potentially other campus resources.
  3. Once the consultant has their NetID, they may need to do an Account Self-Link.  The consultant should receive instructions for this automatically in email, so there should be nothing for IT to do.
  4. This process may take a day or two to complete.

netid consultant outside consultant external consultant collaborator outside collaborator external collaborator 
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John D. in Pharmacy IIT
School of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy Instructional & Information Technology