Badger Data - Connecting Tableau Desktop
Tableau provides a native Snowflake connector, which will allow you to connect Tableau Desktop to Snowflake. This document will cover the configuration and procedure on doing so.
Click the Data Source tab at the bottom of the screen.
Click Add under Connections and search for Snowflake under To a Server > More...
Enter the server information for Badger Data and click Sign In.
Authentication: Sign in using OAuth
A new browser window / tab will open in your default web browser. Click Log in using ADFSSingleSignOn.
You will be directed through NetID Login. Log in with your NetID and Duo MFA if needed.
Click Allow.
Once you see the following message, you can close the browser window / tab and navigate back to Tableau Desktop.
Under Warehouse, select BA_USER_SM.
Under Database, select the appropriate database (e.g., BAGP).
Under Schema, select the appropriate schema (e.g., DM).