How to run: motor speech, BoDyS

How to record data for motor speech assessment and BoDyS

Special circumstances: part of battery

These assessments are part of the cerebellar battery run in 2022-2023. For controls and patients, it is in the FIRST session. 

In this battery, participants come in for multiple sessions and do multiple experiments in a row. As such, this is a bare bones document on how to run the experiment. Procedures for consent, hearing screening, awareness surveys, general equipment set up, and payment are not included in this document. See the documents below for how these procedures are implemented in this multi-study session: 

  1. Protocol for cerebellar battery: controls
  2. For patients

What's special about this experiment

These are not "experiments" per se, and they are not run via Matlab. These are just things we need to record separately. They are recorded in Audacity (or any other sound recording program). 

Prepping for participant

  1. Microphone for participant (routed through Scarlett) 
  2. Audacity---check the input settings to make sure your Scarlett mic is selected as the input [see diagram] 
  3. Prompts for BoDyS: it is helpful to have the paragraph and the pictures printed out specifically for the participant, as well as your own copy
  4. Motor speech instructions

Running the assessment

Start recording in Audacity, then start the assessment. Make one long recording through the whole assessment. Stop the recording when you are done with the assessment. 

If you need to pause for any reason, press PAUSE, not stop. Restart recording by pressing the record button again. 

Saving data

To save the audio data, go to File > Export > Export as wav. Save to C:\Users\Public\Documents\experiments\cerebMotorSpeech (for motor speech) or C:\Users\Public\Documents\experiments\BoDyS (for BoDyS). Transfer data to parallel folder on server. 

Note: You can, but do not have to save the file as an Audacity project. This is not a readable sound file, but a format that only Audacity itself can read. If you do this, you will still have to export the file as a wav file. 


how to run, motor speech, bodys, record, audacity, non-matlab 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Robin K. in SMNG Lab Manual
Speech Motor Neuroscience Group