InterPro - NCPD - New Course Approval Process
This document details steps for the New Course Approval Process.
Any new course ideas require approval by the NCPD Director. Follow the steps below:
- Program Director fills out NCPD Course Proposal Template
- Save the file within the In-Progress New Course Proposals Box folder
- When ready, notify the NCPD Director that the proposal is ready for review
- Meet with the NCPD Director to discuss
- Fill out the New Curriculum Information document and email to
- Once the new course idea is approved:
- As needed, follow-up on any remaining market analysis or data gathering
- Move the proposal file into the Approved New Course Proposals Box folder
- Fill out and submit the InterPro NCPD Course Support Form. You will need the Curriculum ID created from step 3.
- Share copy approved proposal with and