Communications Committee Minutes 04-11-22

Academic Staff Communications Committee   

Monthly Meeting Minutes   

Monday, April 11, 2022   


In attendance: Mary Ellen Gabriel, Felipe Gacharna, Sarina Lotlikar, Pamela O’Donnell, Robyn Perrin, Lori Wilson. Liaison: Stephanie Elkins   

  1. Review and approve March minutes - Approved.
  2. E-newsletter –   
    1. Eloqua update
      1. Felipe and Lori briefed the committee on progress getting us set up in Eloqua, and how next steps will work.
      2. The Eloqua team is working on implementing data integrations we hope to leverage for segmentation and list-building.
      3. We will have all committee members set up as Advanced users to set up, review and create in Eloqua, but once we train Jake and Lesley, we’ll change our permissions so only they can send.
      4. We will train each other and SOAS on Eloqua and follow up with the Eloqua team on questions.
    2. Next Steps   
      1. The Writing/Editing and Eloqua/Design teams will continue to work, in meetings and/or asynchronously to keep advancing on our goals. The teams are:
          1. Eloqua/Design
            1. Kyle
            2. Sarina
            3. Felipe
            4. Lori
          2. Writing/Editing
            1. Mary Ellen
            2. Robyn
            3. Pamela
            4. Karla (flexible)
        1. Felipe and Pamela will schedule next steps and/or first meetings for their respective teams. Both can invite Felipe, Lori and/or Stephanie to help kick off the first meeting (share SOAS/ASEC feedback, etc.).
          1. The planning doc from ASEC lives at
      2. We decided as a committee to keep working on the newsletter through the summer for a fall first issue as best we can.
  3. Additional/New business  
    1. ASI – This Thursday!
    2. Next session – Our committee membership will evolve again July 1. Pamela (who is up for re-election), Felipe and Megan’s terms will end June 30, 2022.
    3. Next meeting and schedules –
      1. Mary Ellen will be out of the office May 13-July 1, so we will meet accordingly.
      2. We’ll plan to meet in-person at Memorial Union and have a social time at the Terrace after. (Lori to send poll.)
  4. Adjourn   

CC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff