Division of Extension Programming Position Expectations
Employees can review divisional expectations for positions involved in programming. In particular expectations for Faculty and for the Academic Staff titles of Outreach Specialist, Professor of Practice, and Research Professor.
- Research, Teaching, and Service required.
- Division of Extension Faculty Operating Policies & Procedures
Academic Staff
- Outreach Specialist
- Primarily teaching with an option to conduct applied research and service. Outreach specialists, including regional outreach specialists, are not expected or required to conduct research, although they are not precluded from doing some research.
- Professor of Practice
- The Title and Total Compensation Job Library provides a Standard Job Description for the Professor of Practice (Non-Credit) title; however, each unit (i.e., school, college, or division) is required to produce guidelines for implementation of the title series within the unit, and those guidelines need to be approved by the Provost’s Office. Detailed information on Division of Extension Professor of Practice can be found at Guidelines for Appointment & Promotion to Professor of Practice (Non-Credit)
- Research Professor
- Research professor is a non-tenure track title series that allows and recognizes focused research effort. Members of the research professor track are expected to focus on research, including leadership of the scientific and technical aspects, pursuit of intramural and/or extramural funding, and compliance with all financial, ethical, and administrative aspects of the research. Detailed information on Division of Extension Research Professor can be found at Guidelines for Appointment & Promotion - Assistant Research Professor, Associate Research Professor, and Research Professor